Tome of Unstable Power on MW Monk

I just looted the Tome of Unstable Power from the Azure Vault dungeon in Season 4.
I was excited that i had gotten a new trinket this early in the season, only to find out it can only be procced from Offensive Spells, not abilities. This as a Mistweaver Monk means it can only proc from Jade Lighting.

This fact renders the trinket useless.
Either change it to include abillities so we can proc it from melee when doing Ancient teachings, or remove it from the MW loot table.


yeah i noticed it as well. i hope they read forums

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It can proc of resonant fists.

Same happend to me today, any updates?


Can you please do something about it? Crackling proc is non playable and proc from resonant fist is incredible low. Can you look at it? It would be very fun to have such a trinket.


Also just got it as mistweaver, not fun to get a good ilvl trinket that is litteraly unusable. Might aswell have agility on it instead, equally valuable for mistweaver.