Tomorrow it starts once again

No charm farm now so we’ll just have to do the dailies and the dungeon

I prefer it because I just add it to my day like a little side activity rather than GO HAM DROP EVERYTHING ELSE REEE

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I couldn’t be bothered with Charm farm, but a certain Pookie did!

Well Pookie loves to spread his charm

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I so agree with you on that until now it’s the mount of depression

So it’s one chance per account per day rather than one per character?

First kill of the day on the account has an increased drop rate. After that your account returns to the abyssmal drop rate of 0.01% or whatever it is (maybe even 0.001%). For the Rocket at least. The sweeper seems to have a relatively high drop rate in general (but likely also got the increased drop rate per day).

Its specifically made that its not per character as not to support the degenerate farming of “Account Character Cap per day”.


Gonna cry because it’ll be another year of 200+ attempts and nothing lol

First attempt.

7 “love cards”

I got more from the box the boss drops.

Skipping this event once again.

Just don’t think about it. It will drop if you don’t care - like how video games as a kid would load faster if you tricked the game into thinking you weren’t bothered.


Are Dungeons not cross faction? Went through all my level 70+ Horde characters, queue only took a minute or so… my one Alliance character? 12+ minutes and counting…

Nope. Blame Ion (literally). It has to be a full premade if you want cross faction instance queue.

So stupid…

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Like saying goes in my country, chin to chest and towards new disappointments!

I got the new mount on my second try today.

Is the rocket still on the loot table?

Second try over all or second try today?
I got it this morning on my second try over all.
Don’t know about the rocket.

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I have reduced my farming to “how many chars I feel like running that day”. Sometimes that is 1, sometimes that is 3-5, sometimes that is 0.

Believe it or not - makes it feel less frustrating.

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Just a quock question, does the event boss still have gear drops or have they been removed ?? Last time i did this was wrath my memory is a bit faded.

Yes but they are pretty low items and you are better off going to Siren’s Isle

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I meant in cata classic :slight_smile: sorry i should have said which version, also my retail toons geat isnt great but they definatley have better.

Ty for the reply.

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