TONIGHT! Vulperan Market, featuring Nightborne

Posters are put up around the Horde’s capital, written in gently glowing silvery ink, upon a black background

Peoples of the Horde! It is my proud honour to announce that the Dustpaw’s Vulperan Market is due to make it’s triumphant return upon the 28th of this month!
After our well received and successful ventures in Thunder Bluff, we shall continue to show unity with our allies, this time taking our fantastic stalls and promotions to the lavish streets of Suramar.
Working with the Sisterhood of Fal’dora , who brought us all the memorable and deeply enjoyable Moonlit Market a few months ago.
With our two groups working in tandem, we shall bring you the fine extravagance and tradition of the shal’dorei, combined with more homely warmth of the vulpera - creating an eventful market for each and every member of the Horde to enjoy to their heart’s content.
We shall again offer an auction that shall be sure to have some of the finest and well crafted items from around our world and beyond.
So please. come join us, explore the city, live the culture and take in a view of the stars that cannot be forgotten!

Kia ora, my fine RPers! As the IC poster says, the Vulperan Market is coming back! We will be combining it this time with out fine allies of the Moonlight Melody (The Sisterhood) to bring you an enjoyable night in Suramar.

The event will begin at 8pm within Evermoon Bazaar (though if you have a stall or simply wish to arrive early, being there before is a good idea). A fair warning, you’ll need to be above 110 to not be constantly visited by angry mobs!
An opening speech will be given by Matron Lunarglade to signify the opening of proceedings, and the auction shall be held at 9:30, so have your coin ready.

If you want to host a stall and aren’t already part of the Discord, give us a poke here - stalls tend to go relatively quickly. So get involved!
We hope to see you all soon!


Glad to see that the market will continue!
Fingers crossed that it will go good again!


This is gonna be amazing! :crescent_moon: :fox_face:


Yeah boiii


Epic! Captain Nyssi will be missed, but the legacy of her markets lives on!


So it seems, i’m glad it goes in the good direction!


Once again, folks, I’ll be the lead auctioneer for the night! If your character has something they wish to put up for auction, they should catch Makijo on the night before 9:00pm.

Makijo will assess and value items to see if they’re worthy of the auction. Such items should seem rare, valuable and not common stuff you’d necessarily find elsewhere at the market.

Furthermore, due to some confusion last time, I should be clear this auction is pure RP. No real gold is traded, though sometimes real pets are, for the sake of props.

Lastly, people are reminded not to get too crazy with bids. Some characters are rich, many are not. Maybe don’t bid hundreds of gold way above the obvious value of an item. Be sensible.

Happy auctioning!


This one will be glad to assist Makijo in such auction.


Suramar’s port is one of the best on Azeroth! Tho’ a bit lack of good pubs… :beers:
It will be nice to visit the market again!
I’m glad it is back!

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This event is this Sunday folks! Be there or be square!

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Trautfizzle will be there trying to sell off some of his overflow of tomes and varying items of power from his mage days that he’s been clearing out. Scargra would be there but there’s no forge in this prissy Elf market!


I’ll keep watch for any contraband you might transport sir… No Fel under my (overbearing) watch :eye:.


We still have three stalls left! The market is tomorrow! Join the discord to claim a stall now!

Yes any items deemed culturally insensitive to Nightborne shall be confiscated by us… And then sold at a later date elsewhere.


Don’t announce our plans!

Get involved folks! A lively market is a great market!

As the market area is set up, posters are put up near the entrances and exits, planted in the ground on large wooden stakes (ruining the plants).


[A crude painting of a Goblin and Vulpera wearing stupid small hats, their tongues lazily poking out with visible stink lines]


-Krat of Dustpaw


Well I was going to come but for some reason I’ve been banned from the Discord?

Tonight’s the night, folks :sunglasses:


I hope we will have no BOMBshells tonight…


What a loaded comment.
But sales are positively booming.

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A big thank you to everyone who came tonight! The market will return SOON! The next location is currently being decided.