death and dk: tanks move on mythics all time adds or kite them constantly so its useless to use this or defile which is supposed to buff haste and mastery
most dps come from army and ghargoyle which have enormous cd time. even with talent to lower cd time with death coil etc now that ppl get hc gear you have only chane for 1 army od dead + ghargoyle… so you start having good dps among first places and you end up 10th -12th boss is kileld and your army is on cd!!! from first use!!!
4 set has buffs not direct but build on time which means when u may have them , enemies or bosses will be dead (while other classes get direct abilities dmg increase not wait on time to have the dmg)
the uholy spec tree is so bad designed you cant have points to have desease + ghoul dmg increase. unholy aure should be moved upper to be able to choose it as basic since ghouls are basic to dk dmg…
why blizzard has so neglected these thngs; mages/locks/paladins with same gear ilvl surpass dk when army of ghouls has despawned…