Cant link, but look for his video on youtube, keybind part is at the end.
These Healers NEED Changes | My Hopes for Season 4 & The War Within
looks like im not the only one who thinks there are too many keybinds
game should be designed for standard keyboard and mouse
I have a standard mouse and keyboard and i main healer since forever 
L2play with your feet as well!
I am horrible at using keybinds
still have some abilities i just click instead cause i cant find comfortable keybinds for more abilities
but that is mostly a me problem i think, most ppl seem to manage keybinds just fine. I bind alot of my heals to my mouse with clique addon.
Yeah that is what i do too
I bind healing with clique, which means i can have some overlapping hotkeys.
There are definitely too many.
In BFA I had just about enough binds on my MW to do what I needed to do.
Now I have about 4 too many abilities because I have “x” number of binds that I use and no reasonable place for more given how I bind.
You’ll have the usual concert pianists telling us we’re all wrong shortly.
Way too many abilities filling the same role(holy priest at least) for no reason. Maybe it’s meant to make the class feel somehow more difficult? I can’t say I’ll miss many abilities if they were to suddenly disappear
Renew, poh, coh.
You only press CoH & PoH for the CD reduction on sanctify. If they didn’t have the CD reduction, you wouldn’t even press them because they don’t heal enough on their own to justify pressing them. Like, a what… 20k heal for 5 people on 1 million health pools? Like, are you kidding me. Might as well triage with flash heal & serenity.
Renew you don’t press, like, ever.
Pw: shield you almost never press either.
You basically have flash heal, sanctify, pom & serenity as your healing.
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There’s definitely button bloat.
I can’t speak for all the healer specs, but I was trying Mistweaver a few weeks ago and it’s really bad for button bloat without even being max level.
So yeah I agree they could probably do with a look at. I think Preservation is supposed to be okish with regards to keybinds but I don’t really have experience with the spec.
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Well, they do some healing in raids, which is my main content really. So it’s a bit better there
Eh, do they?
In a fyrakk kill I have that I checked coh healed a total of 4.8 million and poh healed 2.8 million, that’s pretty low to me for something you have to actively press constantly. Meanwhile, renew from pom procs, poh procs & hw: salvation, sanctify & serenity casts, healed for 7.1 million and I don’t even actively press the renew in that case.
If you have to actively press something, it should be doing more healing than totally passive healing from procs. If it can’t even heal more than procs, it’s pretty low, at least imo.
I’m pretty mediocre but if you combine divine image and prayer of healing, it does do some. Don’t get me wrong, I’d rather it be better but 
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Eh. This is from the fyrakk kill I referred to:
The fight lasted 5:30 minutes, I missed like 2 maybe 3 casts of coh.
PoH was casted to get back sanctify pretty much.
I also run with high haste/vers gear because that’s what I use in m+, my echo is rather low compared to if I’d run high mastery/high crit gear.
PoH & coh would be absolutely terrible if they didn’t provide CD reduction to sanctify. When you have to actively press something, like coh, I’d expect it to be up there with prayer of mending or sanctify, or at least above renew that you don’t even really press.
maybe if you are maining for a long time, all my tries to start healing have ended at trying to bind everything i want to use in a comfortable position.
I actually did pick up the piano a few years into WoW, there’s some similarities between them.
The problem is 90% of my keybinds are various utility spells, and the only thing worse than having them is not having them.
I can’t say I’ll miss circle of healing if it was gone. I’ve talented into it enabling a faster cast speed on prayer of healing and it feels just bad to press. Trust me, I’d so love it if they revamped that style but we’re clearly a builder/spender under a different guise. We’re not casting 5 times to build Holy power but a few more times to lower the CD 
Well, I’m rolling away from holy priest if the archon hero talent tree doesn’t improve the situation. I’m definitely not playing oracle.
It’s absolutely ridiculous to have heals that don’t even move bars slightly and are only pressed for cd reduction and if it didn’t have cd reduction, you wouldn’t even press it.
yeah and the usual get mmo mouse with 420 buttons and 3 keyboards also get a bunch of addons.
Huuh. I’m staying away from not-yet-released content but that sounds bad. Hope you find something you like more / have a decent enough change