Too many healer keybinds

i meant class no spec tree - dps would take one healers another unless there is some specific case.

Yeah, but class tree is also our tree. You cant change nodes depending on what spec you are. Choice node would mean WE (RShaman) would have to choose between Chain Heal or Chain Lightning.

And we want BOTH. :slight_smile:

Currently, Chain Heal is given to us for free. While DPS have to choose it if they want to have Chain Heal.

DPS have it worse off, because all the nodes branching from Chain Lightning are useful, while those branching off Chain Heal are also useful. So DDs are ā€œmadā€ that they have to talent for 1 skill they will never use (chain heal), only to get to earth shield which is what they want.

IMO thats as good as its gonna get until we receive a rework.

Pruning experiment has failed long time agoā€¦

To be fair, they did this for paladin on a node which is for ret paladin a choice node and for holy paladin just 1 option. This is how ret paladins got a lay on hands button on like 2.5 minutes cooldown. It was probably too much to allow holy to have this so they removed that option on that node for holy.

So far for class-trees :man_facepalming:

I did not know that. Never played Paladin before.

Wellā€¦ then for shamans they should simply remove Chain Heal for DD specs. Cause its really bothering them in the Shaman forums.

the issue is too many buttons, too many procs, too many weakauras requiring mechanics. too much unneeded stuff because they cant get a good desing.

What key levels do you do? You show up as a level 62 in Raider IO.

Point being, not shaman. I cant coment on MW monks (Mistjo has given a very detailed description of that) but I can guarantee you that RShaman is far from having too many buttons.

If you play keys < 22, which is what 99% of people play, there is a build that reduces the buttons to literally 2 healing buttons, and 2 DPS buttons, and you only need 1 addon (VuhDu) that has a good by ā€œdefaultā€ configuration you dont need to touch.

Try out Primal Tide Core build, with no Primordial Wave.

And no Cloud Burst. Take Healing Stream Totem.


This build.

Your healing rotation now is: Healing Rain and Healing Stream Totem on CD. Spam Riptides non stop on people. And healing surge when needed. Put Earth Shield on you and the tank OR the weakest person in your party (for the whole run).

You get Voduh and you use the default binds.

You have 3 CDs : Ascendance, Link and AGā€¦
You have 3 OHNO!! buttons: Spirit Walkers Grace, Natures Swiftness, and Elemental.

ALL these 6 buttons you put them on a bar and you literally click on them. No binds, no nothing.

As for DPS: 3 buttons. 1: Flame Shock. 2: Lava Burst. 3: Chain Lightning. Press nothing else.

So your damage rotation is: In trash packs: 1 button. CL. Spam that, donā€™t even bother with acid rain. Bosses: Spam Lava Burst, and if you cant, Chain Lightning. 2 buttons.

Also: In low level keys, damage is not required. You could do 0 damage and it would be fine. So you could literally not take Lava Surge in the talents I recomend, and bind nothing but Chain Lightning and spam that non stop. You do 50k dps ST just with that. Anything more its just icing on the cake.

DONE. I dont know what level you do personally so I dont know if this applies to you. But this might help others that are struggling with too many keybinds. With shaman, there is a good performing AFK build. Not the best performing one, but good enough for low keys.



Itā€™s a 6 second stun.

Yups. Donā€™t know why i typed 8 :grin:

Thanks for the build, would be nice if guides included less button builds, maybe easy mode are it, then its naming issue as i dont want easy, just less buttons

I run Ret DPS, number of buttons is keeping me from healing and hand issue with apm from tanks, im running 18~19, have them mostly at ++ or +++ but with friends some i have to carry a bit, so probably could push 22+ in pugs

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