Too many Void elf rpers

It was interesting, thank you for the read.

Necromancy still works the same way it always did. And a detail about said Night Elf wisps: they were willing to be raised. You had more “angry Wisp” results when you were doing the quest.

UBut all the actually important people who got raised accepted? That’s convenient.

I get that if you look at it in a certain way, it might make some sense, But this whole Dark Ranger business still just strikes me as
 Well, I seriously wonder if they actually thought this would be a good thing for the Night Elves storywise.

Because the only ones I see coming out of this better than they came in, are the Forsaken, at this point. At best, the undead nelves sorta fall to the background and get ignored. At worst, the Night Elves just become another source of recruitment for the Forsaken, and to funnel the thematics of Alliance races into the Horde.

Sylvanas specifically targeted those Night Elves (Sira, Delaryn) to be raised as part of her terror tactics. She’s been doing that kind of thing throught the Horde war campaign.

Granted, a few more quests where we go through the process of breaking Sira’s will and turning her would’ve been better but we can’t have everything.

What I don’t understand is the incredible levels of butthurt about the Night Elves getting beaten, and how that finally made them take their head out of Stormwind’s cavernous rear end and do something about it get’s ignored.

A story without a point in it where the “heroes” are at their lowest point and have to stand up and be counted, showing how they overcome said adversity is not interesting or fun to watch.

And seriously, stop bloody complaining because the Night Elves got beaten. Try playing Horde. Any race other than Orcs or Forsaken. See how it is being on the losing side of things for the last 3 expansions, having your faction leader be the main villain, and having to tackle and make up excuses not to defect to the other side because serving psychopathic genocidal madmen (and women) who openly want to kill everyone including their own troops and be sane just don’t go together. :stuck_out_tongue:

p.s. oh, also I forgot! We had one good character as Warchief since Thrall, Vol’jin, and he got killed off without doing anything during the expansion he had the throne. Awesome, isn’t it? Yeah

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They really gave Vol’jin the short end, I remember looking forward to the ‘Troll’ Horde
 And then all he did was show up at the end of Draenor and be like ‘‘Ye be da’ General, mon!’’ and then he flew off again

I heavily dislike how much the Horde has become the villians in the story when it is supposed to be two morally grey factions fighting each other, but the Horde nowadays are almost cartoonishly evil
 It actually is keeping me from RP’ing on my Horde characters because of how much of a bummer it is being the ‘baddies’
 I sincerely wish Saurfang rebels soon or something, would reignite my Horde RP immediately.

Quite honestly, there were too many humas anyway, excluding nonhumans from RP. Humans are horrible!


Anyway, I welcome diversity. We’ll have a new human deluge with the kul tirans, don’t you worry your pretty head one bit!

Uh no, the Alliance have always been the protagonist faction, the Horde have always been the antagonist faction.

Not going to lie, the Alliance in Warcraft 3 and Frozen Throne felt nothing like the protagonist faction compared to Thrall and the Horde.

Yet at it’s core the Horde was written from the outset as the villanous/antagonist faction.

Then WoD comes along and shows Orcs are naturally savage beasts with limited care for others around them. Fel or not.

Thrall is an exception - because he was raised by humans. Blizzard should just drop the pretence that the Horde are some “noble savages” and fully embrace the villainous Sith Empire style antagonist Bioware manages to craft wonderfully in SWToR.

I mostly just addressed the “always” part of your claim, seeing as its untrue in terms of storytelling during WC3 and its expansion.

In all other regards I can agree.

Horde attacks, Alliance defends. Operation Shieldwall vs Dominance offensive, Warspear vs Stormshield, it’s thematic. Varian sought to change that after SoO and proactively contain Sylvanas but died in battle and the Horde struck again “preemptively”.

But it’s all justified these days because the Alliance are supposedly bigots discriminating against the Horde way of life and thus deseve to die. Jaina is somehow a crazy extremist who killed too many and must be stopped and Anduin is secretly plotting the genocide of all the reds?



I wouldn’t mind the Horde being evil if they were just evil, you know? Right now it’s this weird amalgamation of an honourable Horde and an almost Scourge-like Horde, and while I’m sure it seemed like a compelling conflict to the writers at the time, in reality it just muddies the faction’s identity, whereas the Alliance have their themes sorted and rarely experience internal turmoil at all. I think Tyrande’s exit to Darkshore is the most serious conflict among their leadership has experienced in some time now.

Don’t wanna turn this into a pet peeve addition on my part, but I really want for the Horde to have some stability in terms of what the Horde stands for and what it opposes (beyond puny humans, because F those guys.) Right now it seems to change at the drop of a hat.

The Horde constantly reinvents itself to justify existing in the first place, be it as a conquering army, the orcish People, a refuge of misfits, a family or Arrows In My Quiverℱ. These days it stands for freedom from the Alliance’s alleged tyranny and bigotry and big H Honour which is nothing but an orc culture meme forced on the other races with no cultural connection and is subjective to whichever individual who claims to uphold it. Primarily because it isn’t based in the dignity of orcs or the Horde as a whole but a purely a measure of personal standing.

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[he cries in goblin]

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*looks at camera *

winks at the camera

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ponders life choices

It started before that, the Alliance spied on the Horde mining and researching Azerite and instead of communicating with the Horde they just sent the SI:7 and some of the military in to kill the Horde miners and wrestle control of Azerite mining and had the Explorers League - which seem a bit more militant this expansion, research it. The only reason that the Hordes assault on the Night Elves worked was because the Alliance put so much stock in fighting over control of Silithus that they sent most of the sentinel army to crush the fake Horde assault force. Let’s not forget that Genn and Sky Admiral Roberts had already gained the ire of the Horde with their pre-emptive strike on Sylvanas in Stormheim as well.

There’s no doubt that Sylvanas is quite evil but I can’t agree that the Alliance weren’t the initial aggressors in this war, it was only when Sylvanas went too far and decided to burn Teldrassil that the war already happening sparked up into something global rather than simply being skirmishes over Azerite and that was after the Alliance had squandered every chance of peace because of their paranoia towards the Horde.


Wait, why are people complaining about Nelves being toothless/witless again?

Their story and presentation in and outside the warfront makes them feel like they are back to their Warcraft 3 glory days, barring the coalblack eyes. They turned a firmly Horde/Forsaken region into an active warzone. I’m fairly sure there’s less than a handful of races who, by themselves, have done this much in whichever expansion.

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Because it’s not good enough EEEEEEEEEEE. Why won’t the Horde just roll over and die?!

The fact that us Nelves haven’t managed to win our way down to Ashenvale makes me literally shake rn bros. I need a ciggie.
:cry: :smoking:

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