Too much spell effect

This is somewhat off topic (sorry OP) but have you ever watched this video?
Thanks to Captain Grim I now feel bad every time :joy:


This is a byproduct of the game doing 28574252 spellcasts or ability usages a friggin’ second, which also happens to cause the massive and unbearable lag any time we get more than 20 players concentrated on one spot, and it’s also the reason why we’re all running around with 18 buffs on us half of our playsession.

But if you suggest that we should maybe tone down the amount of buttons being pressed a little bit by introducing some resource mechanics and stuff like that… you know, return WoW to being no more hectic than it was in tBC or so…

well, then you’re the worst. You’ve made the game boring.

Dear community and Blizzard, you have a choice to make:

Do you want:

  1. What the OP is showing and all the lag and myriad unimportant buffs and debuffs that comes along for the ride


  1. Readable but slightly slower gameplay.

Vote now with your phones!

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neither of the 2, if you have played other MMOs, almost 99% of them have option to hide or tone down the spell effects of others. Some go even further and separate spell effects of players in your group with players non in your group and give you the option to hide whichever you want.

Only healer ground effects should be visibly by default. I am amazed that the wow still does not have such option…

at the end there is always the option to unplug my graphics card and just follow the sounds :stuck_out_tongue:

Kidding aside, I dont want to lessen my gameplay experience to “fix” something that the game itself should have option for, like in other MMOs.


I agree with that and arcane mages (arcane explosion flashing effect) give me headaches in a few minutes.

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OH GOD THIS. This is so annoying, you look into Details of your damage done and you see 20 rows of unimportant procs, buffs, debuffs dealing 2% of the total damage.


More like friggin’ 30%. It adds up!

And that’s basically the issue I want to raise in response to this post in a nutshell. A proc here or there, an unimportant buff or debuff here or there - none of this is necessarily a large problem, and in many cases it can be downright fun - but this. This is a problem.

It’s extremely hard to read the game when there’s 4-5 numbers popping up per target per second from every player, and each of them hit for like 3-10k on 550k health pools, and that was 100% the case in Battle for Azeroth. It’s virtually impossible to use damage text, you don’t see your health bar chunking, it’s an onslaught that breaks caster pushback mechanics, it’s causing lag, and it’s causing what the OP brings up. It’s got to stop.

And it’s not just the procs, either. It’s not just Azerite Power and the like. A lot of this is baked straight into classes - like Eye Beam hitting for what 9 times in 4 seconds per target? What? Why?

And yes, the OP already lowered all particle effects to lowest, but even if he hadn’t and that was the solution, it still doesn’t make the game much more readable. Sure, then we can see where the enemy is located, but we still can’t see what’s actually affecting the target.

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Actually its huge problem for melee class, i don’t even see my char thru all this effects and don’t see any AOE boss spells and cleave sometimes. More looks like Chinese New Year celebrate.


Mm’yeah I thought I’d be happy with the spells settings but its not doing much and either way it doesn’t help with demon form or oversized pets covering an NPC.

Nathanos is a pain as melee even more so with people not doing the poison mechanic and that daft zombie event.

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exactly this… its not about “aesthetics” (which also are bad imo), its a core gameplay issue. I cant see my character, I cant see where I am standing, my eyes are hurting.

And this is not only problem on such events, its also problem in raiding and sometimes even in dungeons if you get specific group setup.

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Not really, just tag him and sit back while other peons kill him.

WoW has that.

Still isn’t enough.

But beyond that it’s also just the developers admitting to adding noise. We don’t need noise.

That’s an absolutely insane idea. As a tank you want to move enemies under the AoE area or at least avoid moving out of it, as DPS you want to try to align where you’re placing them.

You’re basically suggesting we go from unreadable gameplay because it’s full of trash buffs to unreadable gameplay because half the lines are missing, and you’re assuming you know what other players will want to see by default, or even entirely, based on your own very strange judgements about what’s important and what isn’t.

Let’s not make more spell-effect plotholes.

Untill this post I didn’t know I had this problem. but now I know why I didn’t know where is the front and back of the boss.

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I think fog might come under particle effects but ambient occlusion could also play a role. You’re not alone, even my 3080 starts making a racket when there’s fog about.

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