Toolbar, bindings and setup

Anyone care to post screenshots or link to how you run your rogue with regards to key bindings and placement of skills etc ?

I have been away for many years and so much changed :joy:

One level to go for 60 on my Rogue. Leveled up my lock and paladin earlier think I prefer Rogue and want to get it right. Came back after WOTLK.

honestly just keybind things the way you like. if you really must know, my recommendation would be to put buttons that you need to press a lot (eviscerate for example) and/or reach really quickly (like kick and cloak) on your best binds. once you got the most important stuff out of the way, go down the list. put the stuff that you press rarely and don’t need to reach quickly on weird binds, shroud is a great example.

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