Top 10 Favorite WoW Zones?

Forever and always Silvermoon :grin:


So, aren’t Nazmir, Dustwallow Marsh and Swamp of Sorrows the same? A swamp area?


Just look worse.

I dont have 10 but i will name a few I think are worth mentioning and they are in no particular order.
1: wandering isles(quest lines as well as looks and music)
2: suramar (mostly because of questline within suramar city)
3: vash’jir ( I like that its a full zone deep under water)
4: Val’Sharah ( because of looks i like the entire forest theme)
5: Dreaded wastes ( The entire sha filled theme had a nice touch and except the end cinematic the quest line was not half bad)

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  1. STV
  2. STV
  3. STV
  4. Darkshire
  5. Duskwood
  6. None
  7. Redridge
  8. Elwynn
  9. Org
  10. None
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Top 10 in no particular order, except for silvermoon which is rank 1.

1- silvermoon
2- Zandalar port, next to the flight master. (that zone has a music i really like).
3- suramar
4- Icecrown
5- Nazjatar
6- Hyjal
7- Karazhan
8- Undercity
9- Dalaran, the flying city
10- ghostlands

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  1. Duskwood - best zone ever, cataclysm reorganised story, but took something away, still no.1
  2. Scholazar Basin - well thought quests and quest hubs, the only exotic land in whole Northrend.
  3. Elwynn Forest - nostalgia and music
  4. Silverpine Forest - esp. after cata made best questline in a game imo.
  5. Tanaris - pre cata, big desert, nice sunny zone!
  6. Thousand Needles - pre cata, mysterious shaped zone with carting speedway and awesome trinket as quest reward! :smiley:
  7. Hyjal - due to aesthetics
  8. Vashj’r - due to aesthetics
  9. Stonetalon Mountains - horde side / well written questline, one of the best
  10. Un’ Goro Crater - because of Maximilian of Northshire questline, nice addition, when far from Goldshire :slight_smile:
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  1. Wandering Isle
  2. Mac’aree
  3. Suramar
  4. Timeless Isle
  5. Shadowmoon Valley (@draenor)
  6. JF
  7. Elwynn forest
  8. Drustvar for story, Stormsong valley for its look… and ts for pirates ofc
  9. Zin’Azshari
  10. Quel’Thalas :innocent panda face:
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  1. Eversong Woods (So much nostalgia of my belf mage >.>)
  2. Suramar (Duh…)
  3. Grizzly Hills (THE MUSIC!)
  4. Howling Fjord (EVERYTHING)
  5. Western Pleaguelands (I loved the zone and meeting Tirion)
  6. Zuldazar (Loved the Jungle Woha Woha)
  7. Jade Forest ( Loved The Faction War questing)
  8. Vale of The Four Winds (So peaceful!)
  9. Shadowmoon Valley (both outland and draenor)
  10. Talador (draenor)
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Silvermoon and all Pandaria maps :heart:

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