Top 150 with 1800 elo in pvp

Hello this is some tips to destroy enhancement shaman in arena.
Use anti magic defensives or play distance or just use blur or any spell like this. don’t worry he can’t heal him self (too low healing with dumpning and heal reduce by 75 % in pvp) most important thing just 1 stun and he dies if he don’t have trinket. or just play caster he have 0 mobility and best part when you root him he have 1 cd to remove root every 1 minute. don’t worry about enhanc damage it’s pve build just playing aoe build for pvp, why don’t they play windfury build ? cause it have low damage he need to be close to his target in order to do damage, he can’t use doom winds or even if all the conditions are present for him to use it just run away he can’t chase you it’s just 8 sec or worst desarm him or stun him , he can’t do anything why do people play enhanc in pvp ? i don’t know they’re kinda stupid just play monk war dh or disc priest it has more value then enhancement shaman

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