Torghast mates me hate this game!

They are doing that in 9.1, it’s currently being tested on the PTR.

I don’t see that many would do Torghast any more than they’d need to, to get their 235 Legendary; my best run was a Layer 3 in the main wings (on my FDK) & I’ve got to Floor 12 on Layer 1 of TC & gave up… the Boss was too hard for me: I know it can be done, but I’m not a player that can.

I’ll freely admit that I’m not suited to Torghast at it’s highest difficulties, but I do what I need to, in there, when I need to…

wonder if they adding a Pay to skip bad content . Pay for soul ash so u never need to do Torgast never again …

I may not like the place or be any good at it, but I’d rather earn Soul Ash than straight out buy it.

The only other reason to go into Torghast is the story… some of which is integral to Covenant Campaigns.

Update: finally completed it but I didn’t feel like I earned it.

I went in as the same spec and build as the last few times except i was lucky with a couple of powers. Namely the one that increases your damage by 15 percent each level.

I had 7 lives at the end boss and died 7 times and finally killed the boss in the last try.

It really didn’t feel like skill or like I earned it. Just all about picking up lucky powers to counter the naff scaling.

It’s nice to be able to mount in the maw now even if most of the maw rewards are for torghast and the mount will be pointless next patch. I kinda feel like I wasted my time but it’s done.

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Gz , yes TC is based on finding good powers more then having bis gear .

I’m surprised you actually went with 5 chars through that, well done

For me personally, I enjoy it. I did it multiple times on 5 characters even after getting the one time reward.

Nah I didn’t do all 5 chats. Sorry probably the way I worded it. I done 1-7 on my monk then hit a wall. The other 4 classes I tried to do that final layer hoping one class would have it easier lol

Layer 7/8 are easier in a group. I did layer 8 solo with a druid and dh. But helping a friend of mine later I realized that a group would have been the better option

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