Conduit upgrades have just been announced as one of the new rewards from torghast, which is pretty good. More options to obtain these in addition to the stygia vendor.
Have old transmog reskins, pets, toys (at least some gold) dropped or rewarded from the dead that were took there and tortured. Makes an easy way to add references to old characters/easter eggs, etc or introduce new lore of people taken to Torghast in the afterlife.
Torghast should include more rewards similar to island expeditions. Transmog, pets, toys. Outside of just twisting corridors, or maybe as loot drops in twisting corridors.
Honestly, I’d rather see it without cool rewards.
I hate the place. I hate the mechanics. I just hate it.
If it has cool rewards, I’d feel driven to do Torghast runs, which I would not enjoy, causing me to resent WoW.
no question about it, wasting their limited resources on Torghast…and wonder why we are complaining
If they could focus on the core fundamentals in wow and have these small side project as side kick, not their main goal wow could actually be great!