Torghast Scaling

Here it is, the first instanced “dungeon” to scale with your item level to stay relevant.

Why don’t we just remove all gear from the game at this point? The world scales with you now, holiday events scales you down, PvP has scaling behind the scenes and now we’re getting Torghast and the zone around it with scaling as well.

There’s too much of it, gearing up is going to be pointless.

The only place in BFA where gear actually have a significant impact is Raids and Mythic+

In Shadowlands there’s only Raids left.

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Any source for this claim ?

AFAIK no detail were given so it may just be upgraded every patch like dungeons in BFA

Edit :

If gear didn’t matter in PvP then folks wouldn’t leave the game because there’s no PvP vendor u_U

Ohh fun… Remove rings, amulet and trinkets to dump your ilvl down just like during BFA release :sweat_smile:

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So basically they’re adding one new type of endgame content which scales with ilevel (and ramps up in difficulty terms) alongside the other end games (raids, mythic plus, pvp) where gear is still 100% relevant and this is equal to “effectively removing the point of gear”. Are you serious?

Also, re: open world scaling with ilevel, tell me seriously whether you think naz mobs are just as easy to kill at 350ilevel versus 400 ilevel. Mobs scale with ilevel, but not at the same ratio as our own gains, so upgrading gear is still relevant, but gaining gear doesn’t make it completely faceroll by virtue of you gaining 30ilevels say.

I see no reason why torghast won’t follow similar. Higher gear will make it “easier” as mobs scale less than you, but you’ll be able to get to higher levels more easily where mobs scale up until you peak. Getting better gear will make getting to this higher level more easy next time and so on it goes.

Who did not get it by now doesn’t want to.

If the game lost players over PvP gearing then it’s not insignificant ffs

I’m on the mind that maybe we shouldn’t get huge powerups like this? and instead progress in other meaningful ways.

We gain too much power in the game atm and the way mobs are designed is not meaningful at all.

I’d rather instead of making mobs damage sponges that scale they’d add more complexity and difficulty scale to them.

It would actually be really cool if the new zones added each patch were just harder mechanically with a little bit of more stats rather than being just a %more hp.

Something along :-

Patch 9.0 : mobs have 2-4 different abilities.
Patch 9.1 : mobs have 3-5 different abilities + small stats upgrade
Patch 9.2 : mobs have 3-6 different abilities… and a gimmick + small stats upg
Patch 9.3 : mobs have 4-7 different abilities… a gimmick… and an ultimate. + moderate stats upgrade

This is just an example but I feel like this way is much much more better than having mobs scale while being damage sponges, ofc there are other ways to make mobs more complex and mechanically harder and engaging than just adding abilities! could be deadlier abilities, higher tier abilities, mobs come in packs, immunities to cc, disruptive abilities etc.

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Can you even read

More you go it will be harder you are just dumb get some info before making thread which makes you look like dumb.

From where you even GOT THAT info?

Let me guess your head ?

Sht gear = no progress
better gear=some progress
top gear= best progress still you wil lose one time etc.

isnt torghast the thing in shadowlands? where did you get the info from?

Weekend posting guide:

  1. make something up.
  2. Get angry about it.
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Whats the point of all this? Why not just make ilvl go 5 higher over 15 - 30 we get now and don’t have to do any scaling at all instead?

I never said it wasn’t.

Just watch the deep dive.

Because hinata kinda nailed it.

Tiorghasts difficulty comes from the addition of affixes and abilities. So whilst higher gear will be required to handle them within reason, they test skill as much as gear. It’s similar to mythic up to 10,the main difficulty comes from the affixes, not the hp buff (though yes it adds difficulty), in that skilled players who know their stuff can perform in mythics up to 10, even in scrub gear, it rewards skills as much as gear.

Beyond ten it’s just infinite scaling and time, so gear becomes more important.

I’d rather the game measures difficulty by abilities etc than raw numbers. It’s not very thought provoking if the gap between my current Torghast floor and the next is made impossible simply by gear alone. That doesn’t promote trying the content until you can reasonably walk it. Whereas if I know the mobs are always scaled to me, but ramp up, it encourages me to keep trying to go higher each time. If I know my ilevel will be the main limiting factor and I can work out what each floor is in ilevel terms, you reduce the incentive for me to extend my grasp and challenge myself because I know “I’m not supposed to do it”.

That’s why I like mythics not having strict ilevel requirements. Same principle. Gear catches up with you sometimes and you realise “yeah, I overplayed my hand” but it encourages you to try

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