Torghast soulforges layer 3

Do it 2 man and find a good dps. Prot + dps is the way to go i guess.

Put some enchants on your gear, the entry level enchants/gems cost almost nothing, less than repairing after a wipe. Upgrade your PVP trinket to 171, 900 honor is maybe 2 bgs? It’s a good trinket and worth upgrading for such little effort.

You can get heal over time food for cheap (its a low skill SL craft) that negates the damage over time torment, if that’s ever an issue. But you’ve not done any M0 yet which gives potential for a lot of upgrades, do that before the week is over they aren’t difficult.

There’s ilvl scaling in Thorgast, meaning getting better gear will just make the boss hit harder.
It’s actually easier to clear at 140 ilvl than 170 ilvl.

Also, I highly doubt some enchant and a 171 pvp trinket will do much when I take 6k white damage.

I kick, stun and fear every spell I can. But that boss in particular is just overtuned.
If I want to clear it solo, I need the absolute best traits, but most of the time i get 90% useless stuff and B/C tiers than won’t do much against this.

Edit : still got some enchant/gems, will see tomorrow if I try again.

I wasn’t aware of Ilvl scaling, I did upper reaches layer 3 twice this week because Torghast was the Venthyr daily yesterday. I felt it was quite a bit easier with the higher ilvl (140ish first time 175 2nd), perhaps not in damage taken but definitely in damage dealt as I was almost 1shotting my way through the entire thing.

Didn’t have Synod as the last boss, but couldn’t tell you the name of what I had (was the same one both times), absolutely trivial. I did it as Arms though, much prefer it to Fury because you can have 100% uptime on Die by the sword, which makes you invincible vs melee.

Fury warrior and take as much talents that heal you. Also take ignore pain talents from Thorgast self. It helps.

Everyone has their own way of course but I feel like Fury is significantly worse for Torghast. Arms can use Ignore Pain without gimping itself (since Fury drops off a cliff if it can’t keep up enrage and IP costs a fair chunk of rage) and Arms has Die By The Sword.

DBTS is relevant because there is a lot of Anima synergy available, such as a common one that increases the duration by 10% for every use (which means in theory you can have 100% uptime on the end boss, if gamed) and also one that causes Ignore Pain to proc DBTS. Then you consider that Arms has more burst AOE/Cleave than Fury and equal/better single target.

Arms is also better at picking off low hp targets to use for Victory Rush, due to Execute having no cooldown.

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