Torghast soulforges layer 3

Arms warrior here, stuck on soulforges layer 3… how do i complete this layer? i just die to elites. Do I need to go prot?
How did you guys do it?

Depends on your gear/spec. But good use of ignore pain, spell reflect and cooldowns will get you through, if you’re gonna pull an elite and you’re worried about healing you can pull it with a non elite mob (maybe damage it first?) to get victory rush usage.

Also depends on what kinda Anima powers you get throughout the run, but for example the one that gives you DBTS proc chance when you use Ignore Pain is handy. I did it as arms at about ilvl144 (with my old 135 azerite pieces equipped, they have higher strength/stamina and strength is by far the best stat, 135 azerite is about on par with ilvl158 blues) and I got through level 3 with some scary moments, boss was fine though.

In the end you can just go gear up if you feel you lack the damage.

Kill everything pretty much and loot all the anima powers you can find, i one-shotted him with the Shattering Throw one which causes it to do like 10000% more damage.

Not tried Soulforges layer 3. Layer 2 was hard enough.

Tried Upper Reaches layer 3 and failed miserably.

if arms doesnt get perfect anima its underwhelming in torghast… kinda sad design :frowning: fury has serveral possibilities and tank too …

just group up with tank and healer (4 man group)

That’s nonsense man, when I did my Soulforges layer 3 I had no epics and no usable blues (door of shadows CD reduction), just working on green anima and remnants. Arms is fantastic for Torghast because Condemn can be spammed for the majority of it and Condemn reduces your damage taken by a significant amount, not to meantion that cleaving it with SS (50% uptime) gives you a constant stream of Victory Rush procs.

You get pretty good anima every run, you don’t always get the superhero levels of anima (like 10000% shatter throw or 15% STR + HOT) but even with white/green powers you can find interesting synergy that turns your character into a beast.

The only advantage Fury has is for the dungeon boss, but it’s hardly significant at layer 3.

I’m in the same boat. I’m a prot main, got stuck on the last boss of layer 3 soulforges because of basically having no self healing and not enough dps for the boss.

Tried fury and it’s completely hopeless even with almost 170 ilvl. I just get chunked immediately by the elites. Like, i don’t know what i could possibly doing wrong.

Kinda sucks knowing that i’ll most likely not get my soul ash cap and as a result start falling behind. Feels like Torghast was entirely designed around classes that have a bunch of self healing.

I’m planning on doing the three layers tomorrow, am i screwed?

You’re completely fine, I did it at like ilvl140 ish no enchants as Arms, maybe take bladestorm though, burst AOE is highly valuable, victory rush is crucial. Ignore pain is also very valuable but harder to make the most of as Fury because it kills your enrage uptime.

depends which anima you get and esp which last boss you get. theyre complete different in strengh

Synod was impossible solo as fury and even if i solo everything with little to no issues as prot he murdered me and my lock guildie 3 times with me having close to perfect anima buffs.

The other bosses did not pose any real threat iirc.

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I cleared layer 3 without real trouble a arms.
You need to pick the right buffs and have some luck on buffs.

If rng is good it is really easy as arms

“just get lucky with the best anima powers lul”

That sums up the entire thorgast experience.

Some bosses are impossible in solo, unless you have the S tier traits.

Or simply respec to prot :shield: :shield: :shield:
I didn’t have any issue with running layers 3 on 150-ish ilvl :slight_smile: And it was hell of a fun.
Most problematic was the elite mobs - bosses and rares were like meh

I went as prot as well. Most stuff was piss easy but bosses like Synod would be close to impossible or even impossible as prot.

RMG what anima you get and what boss you get. From piss easy to impossible.

Did you face Synod ?

Almost all other bosses are way too easy compared to his guy.
I kicked/stun every spell he has, but it’s just impossible when I take 6k white damage. Without S tier anima traits, you can forget your week run if you are unlucky enough to have this guy.

It changes between runs tho? I got different bosses. Had another boss i struggled with as fury but he/she was not the boss i went against as prot.

Nah, I didn’t. That’s may be it :slight_smile: Maybe I’ll do some layer three on repeat today to check this guy out. :smiley:

Just did a Synod twice, and I must admit that this one is the hardest one by far. I died first time, but a proper stun/fear/pummel to stop him from casting intimidating presence (which is INSANELY quick cast) and the fight was fairly easy.
Also Kyrian signature is useful, because 20% heal can save you from dying.

I got him twice yesterday, then tried today and it was him again.

Lost 3h because of this BS.