Torghast wasn't a bad concept, hear me out

Alright now hear me out, the idea of an endless scaling randomly generated instance tha gives you buffs to defeat it is cool, I think the mistakes they made with Torghast were these:

  1. Tied it to legendaries and therefor made it a must that needs to be grinded on every character which made alot of people dislike it, because we were forced.
  2. The Aesthetic was unfortunately SL so it was unfortunately hard to feel like you were in WoW which ruined it for even more players.

And if they were to release it as an solo Endgame activity , that isn’t forced on the players, with a new theme every season it would be really succesful.



I disagree. But okay.

This part is definitely true for me. I just hated being there.

But the basic gameplay of it was also bottom-of-the-barrel content to me.
I really don’t enjoy that type of thing.

Well that’s a fair point, it is incredibly subbjective.

i just think it would feel like solo m+ but with the buffs and the boons it would be refreshing enough to be worth doing as a pillar itself yknow?

it wasnt so bad. unfortunately the aestethic was so bad and boring and creepy and the reward were so… lame? that i gave up to run it. i hope they could take the good in it and propose somethin new.

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I think most people stopped hating Torghast when it was not a obligatory weekly chore, i quite enjoyed it myself.

I am also a major fan of roguelikes which probably colored my opinion of it.


I am the opposite. I hate them. So yeah, that makes sense. :sweat_smile:

Well… Maybe they could have one delve behaving like that. That way people CAN run stuff like that, but there’s other choices of content too?

I would personally skip that particular option. But if there’s people who enjoy it; why not.

I don’t know about it being its own pillar though; feels like a waste to me. But yes, I am biased.

To be honest the aesthetics was the only thing that saved (apart from those pesky bridges)


It never was a bad concept. The execution was.
I personally like Torghast. If it was just like the mage tower cosmetic based it would not have failed as badly as it did.


I do think it had a lot of potential. I’d like to see something similar added in the future, with more varied aesthetics/challenges.

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Exactly, so why not have the aesthetic change and it reward actual gear like a m+.

For the aesthetic we could have a different vibe every season, switching from void, to bandit camp to elemental, yknow something that fits the season.

And then for loot have every wing have a different loot table functioning like dungeons so it would be a genuin worthwhile thing to do instead of a chore that gives you nasty dust.

Oh really? Would you be up to a different aestthetic or would the change ruin it for you then?

I quite liked Torghast and would happily welcome it back. On the other hand, there’s no shortage of content to do in TWW, so where would it realistically fit?

We already have plenty of solo content lined up in the form of delves and solo rated PVP.

I imagine delves to function similarly in the sense of a solo activity that allows for endgame progression

There was a huge disparity between classes and what abilities they got. Paladin was simply dull as ditchwater on all three specs.

I hated Torghast. Stopped as soon as I could.

I don’t want any gear progression from Torghast if it ever returns. This was the aspect which noone liked.

Most are going to think I’m mental… But I quite liked Shadowlands and what is brought along. Sure the lore behind it all was a bit meh and hasty.

But with the whole Thorgast, I like the fact that you can finish them for the transmogs.
I hope that they’ll bring back something alike. Because it was/ is a lot of fun (still for me.)

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