Tormentors of torghast event broken after the patch?

11th of October. Still broken. Argent Dawn- EU. Have checked with both warmode on and off. Progress bar does not appear, boss will not appear no matter how many mobs you defeat.


At the even as I’m typing this. No counter, nothing happening. Just the world marker showing that the event is active but nothing else. Really sh*t to leave an event, no matter how old, broken for this long.
Basically makes the mount unintentionally unobtainable.

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I´ve tried to send ticket after ticket and multiple bugreports, but sadly it´s like talking to a wall.

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Still bugged, 30th of October. Makes 2 mounts unavaiable to get (event chest mount + Korthia meta achievement)


I am missing only this even for meta… after prepatch is broken. Maybe instead of report as a bug ,we have to write them a tickets? I am keep reporting ,but nothing happened. @blizzard fix it or remove it from achievemnt list

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i raised tickets and was told to raise as a bug but that was back when the pre-patch came out and still nothing so 0 clue what to do

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November 4th, still not working. not gonna hold onto much hope that it’ll get fixed any time soon


I even went into Chromie time to try to see if it works … I made a bug report a few days ago… I’m getting no response from anyone about this.

A lot of shadowlands thing is bugged since the anniversary patch like Tormentors or better, new alt who want to go for the first time on shadowlands (after the 2nd november patch) with skip or no skip can’t able to play the extension.

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I´ve lost hope in this beeing solved at all. All the tickets and bugreports we all put in, and still it´s like talking to a brick wall.
Months have passed and nothing…

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This still isn’t fixed? unreal

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This is clearly a case of mistaken identify. You confused Blizzard customer service with someone who actually gives a sh!t. hahaha


13 Dec. Still not fixed. Blizzard please do something .

Still broken on 21.12.2024. Reported bugg and had 2 tickets with lames answers as well. Please, PLEASE Blizzard, fix it…

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22nd of December 2024, still broken, made another ticket.

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Bump. 11 of January 2025. Still bugged.


Please help :confused:

This event is bugged for 6months already. Blizzard please fix this.


No way that this will be fixed soon, right?
Should i abandon doing Korthia meta for now and focus on something else?

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After many bug reports I just made an official “payment issue” ticket:

Purchase Issue to get your attention. After me and a number of people in the community filing probably hundreds of tickets, with no response, can you please answer two simple questions.

  1. Are you aware that the Tormentors of Torghast event in the maw is not starting correctly, effectively block the entire shadowlands meta achievement? I realise that there is life outside the game and that there are many other bugs to fix in more recent content. But this is from loyal customers who keep playing well beyond the life of a season.

  2. If you are aware of the problem, do you have an e.t.a. to fix it? Just knowing it’s on your radar and will get fixed at some point is already a huge step.