TOS Doors Bugged

Hi, I have been farming Normal TOS for transmogs.

Killed Goroth but the doors at the top of the stairs (leading into the Demonic Inquisition) remain locked.

Ive tried leaving from the front, HS out, switching raid from normal to heroic and then back again (the doors opened on heroic (but don’t need these transmogs), and switching game off and on but no joy.

Any tips to get them unbugged?

I went back in tonight (24 hours later) and as I ran towards the friendlies at the bottom of the stairs there was a flash and the noise Goroth makes when he dies and the doors opened.

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It’s a fairly common thing for doors and other mechanics to bug when farming older content, usually caused by killing things too fast. The instances just were not designed for that.

Things that have sometimes worked for me with doors is leaving the instances and right clicking your portrait and then clicking on reset instances or leaving the instances for an hour then going back in later. But in most cases your only option is to wait for the instances lock to reset and the try again from the start.

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Thank you, will start off with a couple of ticks of consecration in the future

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