Totemic hero spec

I am happy that Blizz seems to want feedback about the new hero specs, so here it is:

Stormbringer? Nice, sounds cool, pretty easy to understand what it entails (enh/ele probably)
Farseer? Flavorful, staple from WC3, historic. Probably ele and resto will have a go at that.

But then Totemic???
It is neither cool/inspiring, does not enforce any identity (since ALL shamans have to do with totems, especially in the CLASS tree), and i doubt how one hero spec could support working by buffing only totems.
Unless ofc it makes resto/enh support specs.

Generally I think some other names/identities would better serve the 3rd hero spec.
We have earth wardens, shadow hunters, spirit breakers,ā€¦

What do you guys think? any ideas for a better 3rd hero spec instead of totemic (probably enh/resto).

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Iā€™d like the Fire Lord instead not going to lie. From what I see I think that Stormbringer will be for Ele and Enha, Farseer for Enha and Resto and Totemic for Ele and Resto.

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