Totemic Recall feels clunky

I’m curious about others’ opinions on Totemic Recall.

Honestly, I really dislike this spell for any specialization. It’s designed to reset totem cooldowns, but it ends up making you overly cautious. You find yourself hesitant to use certain totems because you’re worried about missing out on a cooldown reset for something else.

For example:

  • “I can’t use my Cap Totem/Healing Totem because I need to reset my Poison Cleanse Totem for the affix.”

  • “I can’t use my Cap Totem because I’ll lose the cooldown reset on my Liquid Magma Totem.”

  • “No! I accidentally pressed another totem, and now I can’t reduce the cooldown of [Insert name] totem.”

This constant anxiety around maximizing Totemic Recall can feel quite restrictive.

I find it cluncky as well. But here is how I use it to minimize the “clunclyness”

When I pop Poison Clensing Totem, I usually know 100% for certain that I will need to use it again soon.

For example Arakara last boss. Or the big scarab in CoT with the poison AoE. Or spiders in arakara that dont stop spamming poisons all the time.

So I use the Poison totem and immediately recall it. Then I drop other totems like cap totem or whatnot.

Cap totem is not a good totem to recall. Usually because thunderstrike and cap totem you can cycle through them and be gucci.

Remember that there are diminishing returns on stuns. So its not a good idea to have a cap totem back to back.

This is a bit of L2P. Like Poison Clensing, recall emediatelly after you use the totem you want to recall. That way you can use it twice back to back. Which is what you want to do with powerful totems like LMT.

This is what I do as Resto. But maybe others have better ideas. Dunno.

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Exactly as Uda said, I use Totemic Recall immediately after the totem I know I want to reuse. It’s one of those preemptive abilities, which is why we drop Poison Cleansing right when Xalatath starts speaking instead of when we get afflicted with the debuff (assuming the group isn’t running at that moment).

Sometimes I even recall Healing Stream totem. Having 3 of them up at the same time is more healing than Healing Tide with the free Chain Heals.

Maybe a bit unpopular but I started to use Cloudburst Totem again with recall. It’s surprisingly effective to have back to back big AoE burst heals on demand. The totemic support talents are also nice for CBT. :smiley:

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