Totemic Shaman Hero Talents

Greetings and Salutations fellow shaman, and none shamans as it were.

As the title suggests id like to discuss ideas for totemic and hopes for future enhancement shaman class fantasy.

With totemic being Enh/Resto… dare i hope that it might be a tank spec intro??? Tank shaman has gone down well on sod, its how i imagined it would play like.

I dont want it to just be an aug evoker but for shamans.

I want a full blown tank spec. Its hopes and dreams i know but if we’re not get another class why not give people what they want?

I know some are hardcore enh dps only, go badcl to sod scrub etc but lets just keep the discourse the yes no maybes without getting aggro yeah?

Ive been playing my enh since tbc and id love it if we actually got some sort of love, god know we’ll never get a class specific leggo.

Absolutely NOT. Not only was Aug a massive failure and should be deleted from the game entirely. But an additional tank spec would require a talent tree of its own. Its a fallacy to believe you can do the SoD treatment and magically get a tank. NO. Hero talents just wont cut it.

And leave SoD to SoD. If you love it so much just play it.

To be honest, im so tired of hearing the same coments im just gonna copy paste WHY you should leave SoD alone.

This is my response to someone asking for shaman 2-handers:

That is why.

Ive seen you a lot on these forums tbh… youre only negative… no actual reasons why just your opinion :rofl:

I dont want 2h shaman ive never wanted 2h shaman it sucks.

It wouldnt need a whole new tree just some talents tweaking like the old druid feral tree

You should try and be positive more or dont play shaman

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Or like the warrior fury tree with the 1-handers or the DK frost tree… :slight_smile: Like those?

I cant be positive when I hear “classic” or “SoD”.

For years people were saying that classic was better. Blizzard gave in.

They got their classic servers. They realized it sucked. So they asked for changes.

They got their changes. Then they asked for Classic +. They got their classic + in the form of SoD.

And YET… I still see people coming to the retail forums to try and transform retail into SoD.

NO THANKS. :slight_smile:

And I am negative cause you are the person #1237983479823547982 with this SoD discourse. And it gets boring fast.

Lol dude, now you are just setting yourself for disappointment and it is not even blizzard’s fault. There is 0% chance of that happening, mainly because hero specs will be adding no extra abilities or one ability max. Making a tanking spec for shaman will need WAY more support than the 11 talents hero specs offer.

Because it’s not what people want. It is what some people view as a neat idea.

They did it in SoD, because that is their playground, but in retail there is a clear problem with tank shamans:
There is no mechanical space for another tank spec.
At least they did not find one to make sense for a tank shaman.

Don’t get me wrong, thematically it makes some sense, the problem is that most of the times it is envisioned as a shaman themed prot warrior.

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Although I like the idea of a shammy tank (maybe something that focuses on the earth elemental and earth skills in general), I don’t want that to be enhancement.

I love that enhancement is basically a dual-wielding battle mage. It’s my favourite dps spec and I’d hate to see it be changed to a tank.

I would love a separate tank spec, but leave enhancement alone :stuck_out_tongue:


I didnt intend it to be a sod discourse i just wanted blizz to show shamans the love they deserve

feels like there is a 99.9% chance that one of the hero talents will be severely focusing on primordial trash wave


farseer is already focusing on basically a talent Resto already has and is just freaking terrible.

We demand Shaman tanks. We demand Shaman tanks. We demand Shaman tanks.

#MakeItHappen #ShamanTanksNow

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Not to crush your hopes and dreams, but I don’t think we’ll see a tank spec in War Within.
When Blizz makes a new class, it’s in the hope of building hype for the new expansion and therefore to get more subs.
I don’t think Shaman is enough of a popular class to give them what they want.

there are some datamines for totemic now and it looks crap as expected.

throw a totem that does an ele blast or a healing surge LOL wtf is that please?
Another totem that does chain heal or chain lightning kek

a stacking totem pole that is useless yay
mandatory to play totem projection and moving things constantly around sounds like super fun an interesting… not

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Make that totem pole on our back and we’re talking

they never thought about it and thats why the talents reduce the cd for projection instead which is clunky and annoying

Totemic seems favor lava lash build atm.

Actually this might be one of the good changes.

How it is played now, you bind totemic projection to the most used abilities and forget about it mostly.

If they reduce the cd, then you will have totems moving to you more often. Although i’d prefer other ways to achieve that.

Although I am waiting for them to release the tree to comment, that’s to be expected because you know 1000% that stormbringer is gonna focus on the current enh storm build.

well currently i am not using totem project at all, so i dont have it bound.
the only totem that would need replacement would be earthenwall totem which we dont use either.

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