Touch of karma is

The most useless defensive ever.

Specially against pala healer, retri pala, arms warr, fire mage. Or simply any other class who can remove it with a single click of a button or hit through it with one attack even if you stack BM trinket, fortifying brew with it.

I think hunters can dispel it every 15s w/leggo & DH every (30s?) w/Imm.Aura too?

I’ve found people have been bursting through my Karma since the baseline was reduced from 100-50%. Sacrificing RoP for Good Karma doesn’t seem worth it, considering it’s so easily negated/dispelled anyway, by other means.
(…& 50% absorb when you’re already 1/2 your opponents hp (thanks for the honour gear) :+1:t3::+1:t3: ).

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