Tourney is showing

Are people actually watching it?, it’s literally the same boring comps

think there are like 200 peoples watching it and like 10k bots


it’s not a real cutiepie post if he doesn’t defend windwalkers somehow


im making up for the few of us.

mage rogue will forever be overpowered and broken.

nerf polymorph, nerf kidney shot.



Exactly, Even the jungle that beated the RMD , rmd lost because they played terrible not because jungle is good or even viable

Even though RMX is pure cancer to play against it’s an irony that an RMX team never won Blizzcon.

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Missed the stream. Was it played with 8.2 patch or 8.1.5?

I think the only reason for that is not being able to use addons in the past to be honest.


Theres no reason to complain about ww when Dh exists :wink:

Also FoF Parry is so toxic, id rather have the stun back, so atleast i get a stundr on me…

I do not allway have a stormbolt to stop FoF

Isn’t the tournament meta a bit different that what you’d face in the matches? I thought the PvE items they have disabled for the tournament make a bit of a difference.

that shadow priest is a average class… so called op in ladder yet no one barely used it in tourney and when they do, it’s a mess.

Funny to look back on this:

When a ww player and a destru player complains about arms :smiley: THAT is funny :slight_smile:


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Hmm watching Maldiva’s stream right now, DH DK that shouldn’t even be 2k tunnels down blizzcon healers/casters in a minute.

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Nobody ACTUALLY watches it, Blizzard have failed far too hard with pvp for it to be interesting.

Yes it is funny to look back on how accurate that post is. Warrior is still insanely unthreatening when alone with poor single target damage and low survivability. Its one of the lower ranked melee specs in the game right now and even in its strongest comp it’s average at best


Drood and Lock is equally retarded.

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