Toxic behaviour against Vulpera players

Not just his forms, but his race is all furry! :smiley:


Welcome to the internet, furries have been flamed on, gotten (P word)phile & animal bad touch accusations because of stereotypes & won’t bother spend 5 minutes to google what a furry is, do you want me to teach you about the weaboos too? they are like fans of anime and …

That too :smiley:

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Taking jabs at races as been in the game forever, I have been playing this char for only a few days yet I was called a diaper gnome more than once. All races have stereotypes, and vulpera seem to be of the furry stereotype and as anything popular they also attract a lot of hate, of course vote kicking for that is dumb but hey just ignore them and play what you like.

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Furry = Bad and not for horde, ok

Does taurens still exist over there? pandarens? or did they get banned from the horde lol

Idk, people still tell me to end my life to this day just for having a fox profilepicture, mechagnomes perhaps

Welcome to the club, we have pizza fridays!

Sounds like someone is too butthurt that they added another furry race

Probably a human rogue too

Not bannable, but defenitly giving you some sort of penalty, but how can the system tell?

I despise zandilari trolls, they are moldy potatoes but even when they’re toxic, i don’t kick them because they play a race i dont like

And now you know why i mained a Worgen Druid for so long :smiley:

No, but some people are blind to the world & just straight up phsycopaths

Uh … how do you detect sarcasm in letters …? never understood this

This too, some people have told me im not allowed to type here because i play worgen ( yes they were being serious … )


Which ones? :thinking:. Furry is animal in human form. Maybe boomkin?

Chicken fursonna.

Mage tower bear form

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I have a fox fursona/persona, but i despise the horde theme so imma stay alliance for now :ok_hand:

BTW 8/12 of my alts are Worgens, cursed knowledge


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Tauren, are honourable ppl. Pandas have wisdom and Worgen are not in horde. Vulpera on the other hand are just there to attract cute furry lovers which is not horde material.
Bloodelf and Night borne, beautiful and evil.
And the list goes on…
All of these races in the horde have their worth but vulpera are just the opposite, in my opinion.


I was replying to Petra on boomkins, I Don’t have a fursonna.

aah, now im sad

everyone should have a persona online =(

Not really into furry stuff, but you do you.


I said PERSONA not FURSONA as in character youknow

Angery emoji

Vulpera are nomads skilled at surviving in the harshest of conditions, if this is not horde material then I don’t know what it is.

Ah, if you’re just looking for excuses to hate on something then go ahead, be biased.


What’s the difference ?

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And have you considered why it is so ? On art sites furries are one of the most toxic people known to mankind. Which is contradiction with people I know from wow for example. And if I look vulpera I cannot but get flashback from deviantart and other sites, where furry people are very-very hostile.

I personally have never insulted anyone anywhere for their race choice in wow though.


Fursona = Furry persona ( aka animal-human hybrid )

Persona = Same, but can be literally anything, like even just yourself in a drawing can be classified as a persona, heck even your mechagnome character here can be counted as one since it represents you

You and your partner are heroes!

Dont stop fighting for vulpera rights, fight the good fight and stay true to each other!

Taht is what makes us strong, that is the spirit of the horde!