Toxic community

Wow is one of the most toxic communities in gaming currently. In my own experience, even a game like Rust has less toxicity.

Very boring behaviour for me to witness now, like sitting in a room of people who forget how to have simple fun in a damn game.

Completely understandable why people would move away from this behaviour, ball is in their court ultimately, toxic behaviour deserves to be shunned.

bro it internet ofc ever toxice grow up

Never mind then :laughing:
I’m sure because it’s the internet - thats a perfectly acceptable reason to actively seek a way to ruin peoples day and playing experience.

The fact that my post was downvoted when all I did was describe my WoW experience proves my point. Things like this happen all the time and this community thrives on negativity. Nearly every time I play with pugs in BG or LFR or even just talking in /s there are people who are extremely toxic and those people are literally cheered on like superstars. People go to them and honest to god tell them they’re awesome and funny for doing nothing more than wish you cancer, death or corona.
Those people on the forums do not play the game, they log on for a minute and go off again. Click on their profiles and you can see most people replying to you here post several times a day and more. You can even spot that they post before and after sleep. You cannot take people like that serious when it comes to being objective about World of Warcraft.

Your post was flagged for trying to work around the no swearing rule by using * only toxic person here is you being very passive aggersive for no reason.

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want see toxic try league of legends full wonderfull players thet are nasty and toxic oo i feel right at home

You made a rookie mistake and pugged stuff. Now you know better. Consider it an enlightening experience.

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Just because something is the case, doesn’t mean it should be the case.

Consider: I can potentially send you a letter every single day that calls you all manner of profanities. Every day.

You will probably go “lol I don’t care”.

Point is you seem to be suggesting that because I do it, others are alright to do it as well, so soon enough you’re receiving 1000 letters a day from randoms telling you how much you suck etc, even though if the letters were traced, a conversation may be had about threatening behaviour.

And your response to this is that because the fact is the letters are being sent, you, the one being targetted, should be the one to change your behaviour by “toughening up” and accepting it.

This is the part of the internet (and I have a long history on it) I dispair at now. The readiness to demand people who take issue with unsavoury behaviour should be the ones to either “accept it” or “toughen up”.

It’s not about people crying or being snowflakes, it’s just a bit sad that nobody is having the novel idea that “maybe we should target the ones being unpleasant?”
You have a game/arena where it’s clear, being a doucheface is not looked upon fondly. And the solution is not to crack down on douchenozzles, but instead to tell people on the receiving end to get over it? The mind boggles.

All because “it happens”.

People get shot in the street, it happens, let’s not do anything about it! Awesome philosophy!
Fatalistic acceptance has a place in the world, but in a social arena which is subject to rules and moderations which can exert control over that space in a way you can’t in the street? Why on earth just accept it? It’s just a laziness to not address the problem.

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Somebody’s just called me a silly, stupid little girl. :cry: :cry:

…I’m not even that silly…


Feel ya. Im a paramedic myself.

Now what you should do is find a community or even better a guild with likeminded people to play with.

These toxic kids are all over the place and they are not going to go away anytime soon, but they are still a huge minority. In a group with 100 people, 99 nice people and 1 not so nice, the latter one is the one you will notice, and remember.

Forget about it and move on, there are alot of nice people in the game and im sure finding a suitable guild will be no problem.

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Thats not solution. Blizzard just has to desing game again where such behaviour can be punished by communitty just like it is in classic. So no crossrealm, no sharding, no lfr, no lfg, etc… This styff is happening becouse of all the anoninmity where any can act like dumbass and get away with it.

And you would br suprise. Current game have huge amounth of toxic players compared to past during vannila and tbc.


Not anymore. Riot have very fast report system where all you need is 1 toxic game with atlest 4 reports from players and their automated syatem looking for specific words will insta ban you. Legue is actualy far less toxic than current wow right now becouse of very efficient system. I myself managed to ban 3 players yestrday for being toxic and it happen in matter of 5 minutes after those games.

Yeah the toxicity would disappear with your solution, cause there would be no players left neither toxic players or victims of toxic players, cause most people would have unsubscribed.

Believe it or not, but a vast majority of the retail community do not want retail to become classic.

And for that matter, there were just as much toxicity going around in both Vanilla and TBC. Some of my most toxic memories of the game are from those days, i even remember the player names.

The grief-squadrons in Classic is also toxic behaviour, griefing to the point that the game is unplayable for a whole faction on some servers.

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treu but some tims just snowflakes cant take it u know mean by internet tickskin suv

I don’t really care if people are being mean. My problem is that when it ruins the group mechanic cause the dps is pulling mobs all the time (etc), or calling a noob and idiot for not knowing something.

Give new players a chance to learn the game without being insulted for it.

If you want to insult someone, pick the guy with heirlooms (like me), I can take it.

Considering votekick/kick grieving is a thing in pugs already (see some forum posts every now and then) let’s not give players a chance to ban other players by spamming the report button
The WoW forums already are like that and if you ask me with existance of flag bombing hasn’t done anything beneficial for the forums levels of toxicity
If anything it’s worse where this flag bombing abuse takes place

That being said I don’t like the term toxicity, unless someone is flatout insulting me directly I don’t take it personal and some people just are more rough in how they express themselves which I have no issues with and if they do cross a line ignoring is always an option

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treu same time tink blizz better ting to do then look at troll whit flag spam angery snow flaks :sweat_smile:

Agree, any group content, be it lvling dungeons, M+, Random BG’s, PuG Arenas, is guaranteed to frustrate you, if you will let it. People are making this game unbearable sometimes, it’s as if they’re constantly angry and raging, while being absolutely sure of their own superiority, while most often than not, they’re total braindeads.

It’s literally impossible to get an M+ grp without at least 1 toxic “person”, or to have a BG without insults / rage in BG chat. I can’t do Arenas anymore basically, because after 500 games I’ve met only 2 people who are decent and chill, too bad they don’t care about the game to push some rating.

I only actually have fun when playing solo and not having to interact with this constantly annoyed / angry mob.

Sadly, the Toxicity within the own faction or the other faction will never go away. There will always be some people who simple feel good when starting mischief or God alone knows what else.

As for me, a man in his 40s, I simply do not waste my time with these People any longer, since they are not worth sacrificing my precious time. My advice to everyone with a decent mindset and common sense: ignore them, do not waste your time with them and NEVER, I repeat NEVER EVER let them get to you.

When you check my Profile, you will notice the fact that I quit raiding and Dungeons a long time ago. This is the result of being surrounded by toxic people. I do consider giving Shadowlands a try, but in doing so, the Option to consider would be the following:

Oprion 1: IF I join a guild, then it will be one of those to level up a little faster.
Option 2: I will venture alone, without a guild. It has advantages, but also disandvantages.
Option 3: IF I consinder Joining a Guild, then as a social only; meaning, I will not be available for Dungeons, Raiding and PvP. I will offer my Help if Questing is involved, or a helping hand for group content out in the world.


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