God, how I Wish I could swear on this forum. I don’t know why i tried to answer to a post about rfd, my mental health degenerated in Just two minutes thanks to the idiotic answers i see from elitists.
So basically RDF is bad because it ruins the social aspect of the game (don’t use it if you don’t like It?). I try to explain that the lfg tool most of the time allows you to get a group only if you play a BiS spec for dungeons, and for example it was impossible to get a spot as a cat druid because everyone was spellcleaving when leveling. I get answers like “good, you shouldn’t get a spot if you play feral, play boomy or get out”.
So let’s Say the Truth, RDF is great for gatekeeping casual and suboptimal players from playing dungeons. I don’t get how It would ruin your experience, if you want to keep the “”""“social”"""" aspect intact, just don’t use rfd. Why can i queue for a BG but not for a dungeon?
Aaah and lastly, apparently this game is not for me. I should play rEtAiL, if i dare to criticize One aspect of wotlk Classic; even if i love the rest of the game, i shouldn’t play It. Damn, the flawless Logic.
Don’t know what you are talking about, I play feral cat or bear depending which slot is free and I never got kicked reasoning that I am not caster.
Unless you ofc try to dungeonspam 70-80 as cat esp not in brutal gladiator at least. In this case ye, get out and go questing or running dungeons without geared daddies but with green geared normal players.
I literally never got blocked from group or kicked only because I am cat or bear.
The main opponents of RDF at the moment are boosters and people that participate in GDKP. Blizzard didn’t disable RDF in order to promote “open world” interaction, they disabled it to create gear disparity and to stop people from gearing up too quickly. Because if they do, this makes boosters and some forms of GDKP obsolete, which in turns minimizes the need to buy gold from third party websites, which in turn means less gold sellers, which in turn means less subsription money for Blizzard. Blizzard actively relies on RMT/gold sellers at this point as they boost the subscriber numbers greatly. That’s why they completely stopped banning people from buying gold. Back in the days you were getting banned for it super quick.
So yes, don’t expect RDF anytime soon. It’s against Blizzard’s interest to diminish the effect of gold sellers.
And we didnt land on the moon right?
Great conspiracy theory though.
You won’t get kicked if you’re good.
Or, are you asking for RDF so you can “force” people to carry you ?
So ur an elitist player, this is why alot of people will leave when they reach lvl 80.
No RDF, No Play.
Tbf If I was feral I would dungeon as a tank, but I have a feeling that at lvl 80 even for heroics people will still turn you away as a cat which is so wrong imo… the game is gone, time to find something else
Literally toxic gatekeeper
same exact reason im also leaving.
After RDF came in WoTLK nobody made grps at all.
So you kind of got forced to play with a group and if you said anything in chat nobody awnsered and when the dungeon was over everyone left without saying anything.
They should make it for normals only and it would be fine i think.
Not even remotely true, I had tons of characters across various servers and guilds and anyone remotely interested in minmaxing was always in a group if they were doing heroics.
Any sort of toxicity was from the occasions those types of people ended up in a random group of players with a different mindset.
A wotlk hc was a 5min dungeon and easyer than the normal ones is now once you had icc gear.
Even if you carry a bad group it’s faster than flying to the summon stone or even finding people for a group with RDF.
It’s just unpleasant playing with ppls who needing on everything and not saying a word.
Doesn’t sound like an issue, since you’re only with that person for 5 minutes
Your post looks like a great argument for RDF, not against.
Yes, RDF is random with random people, and yes you can still group up as usual using /4 channel. Astonishing
Me too, but i’m strong.
See that also
Nice bad faith again, when we make a list of argue about the CURRENT REALITY.
Just saying “No”, and still living in a dream.Didn’t see any normal anti-RDF poster, and here’s why :
- Every argue against it is outdated
- Living in a dream
- 0 real experience or outdated
- Bad faith when we are proving A + B the reality
- To be in denial, again again again
To be honest it’s not a big deal for me if they add RFD or not. The game would not really change much at all so it’s whatever i guess…
Razorfen Downs were in game since vanilla. Actually didn’t change much
No matter what anyone wants to say about RDF, it HAS to be included in WOTLK Classic at the stage it was added originally in order for it to be WOTLK Classic. Period, no discussion.
Whoever those elitists are they’re not players who want Classic, and they’re in a minority no matter how loud they want to cry that it shouldn’t be added.
To be fair, those who create groups can take whoever they like, or whoever they don’t for whatever reason. I play a class that is really not sought after ever in 5-mans in TBC (and WOTLK) and I knew this before I levelled having played the game a lot back at the time, so I just created the group and any potential problem was solved - and it stops the power hungry party leaders. The only class I avoided inviting, unless it was a last resort, were ret paladins. Don’t get me started on the dumb “let’s aoe everything, it’s faster” garbage, it’s like a lesson on how to make the game a boring grind.
Sidenote: Those players aren’t toxic, they’re just not being overly nice, but I think they can do it if they want. Just place those players on ignore and move on, that’s what I do, there’s plenty of players to play with.
Aye alright then, where’s 3.0 talents? They have the data.
Are we on a different topic now?