Toxic group of kids!

So who is your main?

Also the take of :
“Asking OOCers with no intentions of ever rping to not roll an rp server is equal & identical to genocide and racial segregation”
is probably the worst I’ve seen in a while.


The two aren’t mutually exclusive honestly

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Yeah but it’s from a classic alt so it lacks the sincerity that would actually make it funny

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I didn’t thou, are you dreaming?

Again, if removing the 99% along with 1% will stop. (although it’s more than 1%, more like 50% that are an issue) and send them to a server appropriate to them then I’m fine with it.

Lol, read my posts ok?

“You asking us to play soccer in a soocer field instead of a golf camp? RACIST, FACIST!” That how you sound right now.

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This is very true!

And you’d think if he genuienly believed even a letter of the stuff he is spouting, he would be able to do it from his main.

And not the usual low level classic alt trollposting.

So, you gonna post these weird comments on your main then? You never said.

Why, so you can pvp check me or spam me with whispers about how much of a great fascist I am?

Another anti pcu posting nonecense, I should have guessed.
Don’t bother Vixi, these people want need secrecy to spew their dumb views.

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No, so u actually don’t look like a renard too afraid to publicly back his own opinions


No, but it seems like if you’re gonna make weird comments on topics, especially these kind of oddly worded ones, you should be able to stand for them.

As it stands now, you’re either A) completly disingenuous or B) A massive coward.

Neither is good.


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Yeah I’m a coward, must me. That’s the characteristic of a fascist, isnt it?

Actually it is lol.


LOL of course it’s just some grudgebearer.

Always is, every time.

It’s okay my classic alt friend maybe in a few years you will learn to forgive yourself and move on.


A perfect example of ur average no spine having AD player

U are bro


Please dont hurt me, it will break my spine!

In order to hurt a spine, you need to have one if the first place.

Sorry to tell you this.

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I don’t know cowards who hide behind alts had a spine.

Are you implying I had mine surgically removed?

I will actually be surprised the first time it turns out not to be this.