Toxic M+ even at lower keys

So yesterday I was doing a run with my alt, mainly just to get some gear from vault and use for catalyst when this Season ends so I have the transmog for each class from the current Raid. Just to put some context into this.

So I did a Dawnbreaker at +7. Everything was going fine. However, during Rasha’nan we had a wipe, only removing a couple of seconds; although we had 15 minutes remaining.
Although this, we had a DK - who probably also was an alt, who was crying about that we would have no time. I told him that he got no clue, because 15 minutes is plenty of time.
Then he started talking about his M+ score on his main.

So well, then I told him that as he’s so good, maybe he should just take the last boss by himself. It makes sense, because it’s a +7 and he is a +17 god on his main apparently.
I would then leave the group and let him take over, because apparantly he’s the better player. But as it did show - he was not, because he was not able to do the Dawnbreaker without me at +7. Even if I one player would leave (DPS/Healer) - I would still most likely be able to complete Dawnbreaker, no idea if it would be times - but I would be able to push my group forward what so ever. Ofc it depends on what tank I play at that time.
I would depend on off-healing.

Yet he, as the god he is - was not able to make it through. Which proves that he’s not a good player overall. And there are a lot of players with this kind of mentality in this game.
You can literally see this by writing to a random player “Ur damage is bad” or “You have no clue about mechanics” - after that, you will have a very much toxic response.
Why? Because people think they are good when they are not.
There’s a difference between me and those other players who have painted this illusion of that that they are good when they are clearly not. And it’s not only the game that I’m good at (I started in DF by the way);
-I have skills at drawing that others do not. I stick to western traditional kind of drawing, and have developed a great style that others do not have.
-I make great music in real life with knowledge in different kinds of DAW’s. This ranges from rap beats to pop-songs. Unlike others, I can do a variety of music. I also play the drums, guitar, piano, base-guitar and due to my musical knowledge - I can learn most instruments in less than 10 hours.
-I’m great at different kind of sports such as football and hockey. Most people get mad at this, which shows the matter of fact that people get mad when you have something that they do not.

Yet these players in this community thinks that they are something when they are not.
Now, he may have done a +15 key or whatever. But this DK is overall not good at anything.
Why? Because he cannot reach my level.

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And the reason for this thread?
The forums are not your personal vanity mirror where you can do your daily “whose the best? Thats me yes, thats me!” :mirror: :dancer:


Are you really boasting that you abandoned an easily completable key?


This sounds like a “anything you can do, I can do better” rant, starting at the second part about RL.


Just ignore rants in chat. It is never getting better when you start debating things. Or say something “we just go again and will be fine”. Keep it positive. Saying he “has no clue” is making the situation escalate.

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You may say this. However, there are important things to consider here:
I have a friend who have done a +17 key, which is nice - not going to lie. I haven’t done that yet. However, if I look at his circumstances in real life - I look at the matter of fact that he works at a grocery store for example. And there’s no problem with this, but it’s worth to mention that he works at a grocery store.

And we need people to work at the grocery store, because we need people to sort stuff out and keeping things fresh - aswell as serving customers, nothing wrong with this.
But it’s just worth to mention that he works at a grocery store.

Now, one should not ignore rants in chat. Why? Well people should know their place.
In this case, the DK thought he was the main character. But the entire dungeon failed when I left - so who was the main character? Well, as he could not complete the key, it proves that the main character was no longer in the group. And considering the matter of fact that I was the one who left, I was the one who carried the group.

This DK had a +15 key completed. And most likely, he works at a grocery store irl.

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Hallo gamer god, when are you going to take me to a run? I promise I will not be toxic.

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You give me a time and place and we can make that mythic happen

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Add me on discord amonet8844 and will figure something out.

Never invite alt with low rio even if his main has high rio.

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THat´s the hilarious part… He complains about toxicity, but he´s the one that bailed, and judging by his own statements he wasn´t exactly being a chill bro himself. Must be part of teh "Im a god at everything "complex :rofl:

Players like this 100% deserve to watch themselves continue to slowly kill the mode, their attitude the whole reason it became :poop: in pugs to begin with and will continue to be :poop: :beers:


I want to see this too,denniz0691 on discord.

You may say that with your +5 keys etc at 629 ilvl stats. And I watch myself everyday fyi and record every key I do for review and to see when others screw up. I have a huge collection of this. Where players die to frontals, die to aoe and so on. Stuff that they should not die to - they manage to die to. And I’m one of many few that actually keeps this “mode” active. One thing is clear by your post, that you are jealous.

It is worth to mention that I left the group because in the words of the DK himself;
he’s a god-tier player. Which he was not, because he could not carry the group.
I’m a chill person because I have come to that state of mind through experience and knowledge where I know that the controller is the controlled - which is a statement that you have no idea about. It is a concept that I (As the one who acts) is the one acting on feeling or emotion which sterns from inner conversations that triggers such thing;
this can be from other persons or a situation that I encounter - this results in I (the ego) getting angry at something or acting from such a state.
Due to me knowing this, I have been able to transcend such emotions - so I’m nothing but chill. However, you - you do not understand this concept because your brain cannot comprehend this. Which is the normal state of an npc.


OOh,score shaming, I feel so burned… look at when those keys were run and with what gear, mr perfect, it was in week 1 when you were still failing 3s :rofl:

Thank you for proving my point better than I ever could have :beers:

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I did not prove your point, I can just prove my own point - which I did.
As I stated earlier, you do not comprehend what I just mentioned in that post - and this point was proven by what you replied. There is a deep layer of human psychology where most actually acts from such a state which you did. You cannot act from any other state because you have not realised if there is a thinker behind that thought or action you did.
Which is a normal condition in such npc state.

For instance, most people do not understand that when you buy bread, there is different quality depending on what brand you buy. Some may be more dry than others etc while others are not. For sure it would be good to stick to that dry bread - because its cheaper. But once you buy that bread that costs 1.2 EUR more, there is a sudden kind of realization.
I cannot buy cheap bread which has a certain brand, because they have a dry taste.
But it would certainly be cheaper if I never knew of this bread that is better - which it is.
Because it is not dry, and does not have that taste which the cheaper one does.

In the same way,
I have developed a way of reading books for instance, where I can memorize a 7-8 paragraphs in 10 minutes and then that paragraph will be stuck in my long-term memory.
This have done so I can study better than others, and the result of this is jealousy.

Also, there was an argument 1 week ago between me and someone else about the intervals in a song. This guy thought he had perfect pitch and would play it back on guitar.
However, what he played was wrong in terms how the song actually was played.
When I showed how it actually was played in terms of where the PLACEMENT of the notes where, he got angry.

The human nature is to be angry when other people are right over your argument.
When other people are better than you, which I am in this case.
Also, when someone have something that you do not have.
This is the same mindset as my friend who works at a grocery store has and he tries to compensate this by his +17 runs in wow - which is not an accomplishment by the way.

There are many reasons why my M+ runs are great, although I don’t play this game a lot.
Also, there’s a reason why I am successfull and others are not.

Yeah yeah, whatever… I`m so “angry” that I´m just drinking my coffee and laughing at how just one person can be so completely delusional, it normally takes at least a dozen.

That´s the one thing I have to give you credit for, you´re really good at baiting… but at the end of the day you´re still just another troll trying to justify the bridge he´s sitting under. :beers:

Except that you utterly fail to comprehend that it was there before you were, and will still be there long after you´ve been forgotten. :rofl:


Pls continue! Did he get physical?

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Yo mr main character, can I come for a key?


When will this m+ happen? Can someone stream? :smile: