Toxicity and entitlement ruining WoW

there are some old school forums you can read :slight_smile: cheers mate

that’s a good excuse for being incapable to name at least one thing that community didnt want yet got into the game :joy: cHeErS mAtE

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I don’t need to do that there are proofs on the OLD forums you can read by yourself …
someone even posted them here like 2 months ago? :smiley:

those are 2 i didn’t like at all that’s why i never like anything before cataclysm

bad designed classes in classic and in TBC as well
talents trees with 1% upgrade to you DMG completely bad design

Wotlk fixed little bit of this and that here and there
but another bad design from wotlk is LFG system and BADGE system where you could spam HC dungeons for the GEAR xD without even runing to the dungeons
hey boooys here is FREE gear for you take it

people praise the OLD expansion like they are the BEST OF THE BEST
but in every expansion there was BAD designed system or something

i dare go and find the OLD thread about people complaing
and you will find out that Shadowlands are not much different from anything before that

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Everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

You may enjoy how you play the game and that’s fine. I’m sure there are plenty of other players happy with it too.

I personally am not happy with certain directions the game has taken and I’m sure there are those who aren’t either and it may be for the same reasons as me.

I used to play this game so much because I enjoyed it and I enjoyed different parts of the game. But recently it feels more like world of chorecraft and the only part I enjoy is the raids.

I mostly like the covenant system renown is fine.

Even weekly torghast for leggos is fine.

But then there is the rep related stuff in the maw, I disliked it last patch and I dislike it now. Personally I am now only doing the weekly and bi-weekly stuff. Simply because I don’t wanna spend so much time on this weekly grind when there is so much more I do on top of this:

  • raid
  • m+
  • other weekly quests

Depending on what kind of player you are the list of things you want to do in a week can be really extensive.

I have basically forgot about alts because I simply would rather do other things than wow when I have done the stuff I wanna get done.

This is my choice to only do so much, but its clear that the game is designed to keep you subbed and logged in and its not necessarily enjoyable.

The 6month sub campaigns are to keep people subbed (personally I do 6 month as its cheaper overall). Shop mounts looking better than a lot of in game mountain just greedy really.

There is also other stuff like class balance in various content in the game that is just horrid.

People are also going to get annoyed when well written feedback has gotten ignored.

Just because you don’t agree with it doesn’t mean their annoyance/concerns are not warranted.

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Hit rating.

People make ‘‘constructive’’ critism 7/24. They just dont look to forums.(or rarely look)

Wrong.Players warned them about ‘‘unfisinished expansion issue’’’ they realized the problem, and delayed shadowlands. And now its a ‘‘mediacore’’ expansion at its best. So what you experience in quality wise is because of many players who wanted a better quality and wanted a delay in shadowlands expansion. And people also cheered for blizzard for delaying the game to improve the quality of new expansion. So people ‘‘do not project misery’’ as you told us.

you just called players ‘‘ungradeful and spoiled’’ few seconds ago in top . Now you are saying people should do constructive critism. People do it all the time. You call it ‘‘bashing’’.

There are no ‘‘blue’’ replies on eu forums. so dont expect much maturity over here.People are angry for several reasons.Also there are a lot of ‘‘young’’ wow players coming from time to time. They may be more impatient then others.

They were ‘‘original games’’. or what i call ; ‘‘milestones’’. Not :expansions.

ıf players declined people to groups in game even though the player have enough ilvl and experience ;just because of their spec underperforming ; that is not a real ‘‘player’’ problem. Its a design issue.Also innovation flourish from following feedback. Not closing ears and eyes.

Even a broken watch can show true numbers 2 times in a day. You know what i mean.
The problem occurs when the development team isnt given enough freedom to balance things.People give examples, shows why things are getting worse, why people are leaving, and if the top doesnt agree to do so ; things doesnt change.
Also ‘‘get good’’ or ‘‘you think you do, but you dont’’ attitude is purely toxic and angers many players. Thus, you get a more ‘‘harsher response’’ then regular.

Again , you are wrong. During covid lockdowns, people became extremely depressed and lonely; and even suicide levels gone spike in all countries. People who have a gaming habit had a longer patience level then others.

I have some problems with lore but not much…Actually story wise it is the maybe only thing that still keep me in game.(even though i dont raid). ı mean , they have such a huge potential to write and continue the story but they are too slow to do so.

Dont go harsh of people who just leave game because of frustration.They are too tired to talk about the issues of wow already. Others are bashed for being ‘‘toxic’’ or ‘‘whiny’’ or ‘‘entitled’’.
What results in return is a game that is put on a pedestol and considered ‘‘invulnerable’’ or too sacred to be critisized.And goes in decline.

People should only be grateful for things they are given freely. Wow is not f2p.

No, it is not up to me.Not up to you. It is up to devs. If the overall quality of game was up to me ; trust me it would be ALOT higher.

If they cant tolerate critism for the work they do, and causing people to mass exodus from game and making them sad or angry about it , they should self improve. Also convince the ‘‘top management’’ to improve also.

Dont get me wrong, im probably one of the oldest players in game,(game time wise) i’ll probably be here until the time the wow ‘‘get closed’’ or ‘‘wow story finishes’’. and i regularly write the reason of my frustations about the game issues from time to time. If you think those kind of responses are bashing, i dont know what to say to you man.

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Daze and dismount

In since day one. You’ll struggle to present an argument that more people liked this feature than dislike. It’s largely a “learned to live with” feature.

Stats like Expertise and Hit were routinely complained about as a waste of time and “geargating” for the sake of it.

Glancing Blows and Crushing Blows (which were removed in the end)

There’s loads of stuff that was in WoW that a lot of people disliked and some got removed and some stayed.


been in game since day 1

been in game since day 1

been in game since day 1

not sure which part you didnt read but as I said, none of this got into game AFTER people complained, they were in the game. the point isnt that wow is perfect and been perfect since day 1.

let me re-write it since you missed it - the point is, things NO ONE liked/Majority didnt like, didnt get in the game. Like Conduit energy for example.

Love the part where you ignore me bringing up expertise because it gets in the way of your little finger wagging CAPS LOCK moment. Got anything to say about expertise? It fits your criteria.


that’s what he said though? His comment begins with:

right but you get that nasty comments and entitlement have been in the game since the start.
You cant advocate thats a wow issue, its a human being issue.

There may be a shred of evidence and correctness about your bullying comment, but thats what social media is … fascists bullying. Believe what we believe or we will get you.
Ill give you that one.

well, things werent better back then. Yes the original star wars films were superb and the new ones are an absolute mishmash of nonsense but thats not memberberrys, thats just appreciation of fun and serious films versus pandering to social media types. Cant blame wow for that.

no idea who those two are, so cant comment.

yes social media is fascism hidden behind political correctness, we know this already.

i dont need therapy, thanks for the offer though … as a side note, some physical rehab can be done via computer games and is done so.

im afraid be grateful doesn’t really cut it. we saved 80 out of 100 people from that boat but if we actually tried, we would have saved 99. Be grateful we saved 80.

yes there is a responsibility on players to behave but not everyone in the world does, so how can you expect everyone in the game to do so.

all in all, some valid’ish comments but mainly incorrect but im probably grateful

Expertise was added to replace hit rating if I recall correctly, then again I cant remember anyone disliking it. I may be wrong ofc, dont remember much of that particular detail

Wrong. It was alongside hit.

Wrong, it was routinely complained about as melee classes suddenly needed a new stat to “hard cap” because blizzard randomly decided “mobs can dodge from behind omglul” whereas hunters and casters completely avoided needing the stat in its release form (originally you couldn’t dodge or parry ranged attacks outside of modifiers such as evasion when expertise was launched, but ranged attacks were modified around wotlk cata to work in a similar fashion and thus expertise suddenly became useable for hunters too)

The point is, nobody liked “hit rating 2.0” because that is what expertise was. But it was added.

Ask tbc enh shamans. So much fun having 90% of your stat budget go into these two amazing stats hit and expertise just so you can actually hit the freaking mob whilst hunterboi gets to stack crit and raw ap.

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I’d hate to work in the Dev environment these days because everything is under scope. One bad move and the game is sunk, regardless of how many hours of passion you’ve ploughed into.

People have large nostalgia goggles when it comes to gaming in decades gone by, but also people were far less in tune with what was happening in their game of choice. Nowadays you literally can’t escape, and humans feed off negative emotions, so it just becomes this vicious circle.

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I completely stopped playing M+ this xpac. Not because of the affixes, or the encounters, or classes, but because of the people.

The ridiculous requirements, the total and complete inability to play outside of the norm, the meta comp, the exact routes, the specific invis skips, the rating, the addons.

It’s just not fun playing with people who play M+ anymore.

The game design is essentially the same as it was when I played hours of M+ every day in legion, the community is what ruined it.

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Developers who love the community and try to make us happy - WE LOVE YOU.

Leaches who have issues with us - with our wallets and the power of the capitalism we will eventually send your toxic values and your entitled foreheads to the job fair with the resume note: tried to kill the most successive MMO, was booted out.

All 12 of you? No seriously, don’t watch the forums. People want better, Blizzard can do better. It’s that simple. Tons of people enjoy candy crush as well, that doesn’t make it good. Everyone who bothers to post here loves the game still, that includes me. I just hate what it has become. Very simple. The second they make a decent xpac let’s say legion levels, you won’t see me posting much if at all. Among many others prolly.

Lol another blizz apologist.

Your entire post is your opinion, and I’m sorry to say its the unpopular opinion.

The majority right now say blizzard are the ones driving the game into the ground with unfun and grindy systems.

It’s a fantastic opinion and it needs saying.

I can count on one hand the screeching whiners that come to post their daily “look at me hatin” topic. Most of the rest are just the sheep going with the herd grateful that somebody told them what their opinion should be.