Toy icons in Toy Box not loading properly (Cata Classic)

The toys in the toy box are not loading in properly - they show their names but not their icons. If I click on them in the toy box their icons then appears, but as soon as I log out of my character and log back in, the toy icons have disappeared again, but only their names show. It’s just a cycle.
I have tried with addons enabled and disabled. The same issue happens.

Edit: Every time I log into my character the Collections tab keeps flashing and then I have the cycle of Toy icons showing in in toy box until I click on them, but this happens every time I log into my characters.

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Can confirm, I have this exact same issue. Nothing I do fixes it. I can open and close it and it’s gone but the flashing of the icon comes back after next login.

I’m so glad I’m not alone on this. I don’t know why it happens and it’s incredibly annoying

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