Tracking down my old characters

Hi, I have logged back in to WOW after nearly 11 years (or there about).
Obviously there are MASSIVE changes. Looks like to keep up with all the new content I will have to create new characters and start from scratch.

I am still trying to locate my old characters. I have tried logging in to WOW classic and WOW burning cruscades classic. Non of my characters are showing in the realm list.

I even tried searching via the armory like I used to but nothing.
How do I find my old characters and see them after all this time? Or are they gone?

I had purchased and play the Cataclysm expansion.

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If you remember what server you were playing on, aren’t your characters there any longer?

If you’ve returned to World of Warcraft after a long absence, you may need to refresh your character stats. To do so:

  1. Select the realm your characters were on, on the character select screen.
  2. Create a new character on that realm to refresh your character list.
  3. Exit the game and delete your Cache folder.

If you don’t remember your realms I don’t think there’s much you can do besides check them all.

Also they will be in the current retail WoW, not classic or TBC classic. Those are new realms launched in the past few years.

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I have checked my email and in 2009 i did a character transfer to ‘ravencrest’. That doesn’t even show in my realm list?

Are you checking in classic? It’s not there, It’s in the regular WoW, and Ravencrest definitely exists (it’s one of the bigger Alliance realms nowadays).

Sort the realms alphabetically if you’re having trouble finding them.

Can anyone guide me to any addons that will make life easier?
I used to have many, especially for raids. Forgotten all of the names.


Welcome Back and enjoy, it really is a voyage of discovery after 11 years.

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