Trade Chat is unreadable

And in how shape or form is buying a service different and in your opinion doesn’t belong into the tradechat? Is there anywhere definied what to sell on tradechat?

My gawd, Do you understand what trading means?

Can you link the word trading with a product/item?

There you have it. Your question answered.

You cant trade a ‘service’.

You either purchase it or dont. Boosting is excactly that, a ‘service’. There’s nothing to ‘trade’. You’re also taking gambles because you’re not garanteed to get what they ‘offer’.

lol of course you get it… I boosted many weekly keys in legion and never failed once… the chance to get a bad booster group is so freaking low you must actively chase one. :smile:

trading means in my definition - can be wrong here, english is not my first language - i give something (gold) and receive something (my weekly, my curve or whatever) so in my definition it’s a trade.

Jesus, the level of absurdity is unreal. To speak about WoW services, where should people advertise for example unlocking lockboxes? How about portals to capitals?

As for the meaning of trade, according to the dictionary it literally means “the exchange of goods or services”. So yea, my gawd, do you understand what trading means?

I ended up hiding trade chat and general whilst in DA on Draenor. Its just constant spam :confused:

Lockboixes are an in game item and portals are fast travel options, boosting services come in a totally different area, once again, but you ffail to realise that. Blizzard litterally offers that for mages. but okay…

Exchanging something for a service, is not a product exchange I dont know what dictionairy you refer to because trading involves items

Also, mage portals are really obsolete. Dont know why you’re saying that. Go to classic if you want that. This is retail forum.

Plumbing is a trade, if a plumber comes and fixes your washing machine, you have employed a trader. Phyiscal items do not need to change hands for it to be deemed trading.

You know, like the London Stock Exchange… where traders trade stocks & shares… non physical items.


Opening lockboxes is a service. Creating portals for people is a service.

Blizzard also “literally” told you in this very thread that boosting for gold is not against the game rules.

Huh? No idea what you wanted to say here. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Way to miss the point, I guess?

Pretty sure he doesn’t know…


I found BadBoy_CCleaner being an effective tool at combating the boosting plague that’s poisoning the trade chat.


trade chat is pure hiv atm. these stupid arsee mythic+ boosters. you ignore them once they come with a fresh level1 account and spam again. ignoring them doesnt help we need an automated tool that filters those messages out and puts those poeple on our ignore list.

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thank you i pushed out a change on their github to allow for filtering for sentences for multiple words

if sentence contains WORD1 AND WORD2 filter it

really great addon!

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Even the ones that post links to sites that are selling for real currencies? You sound like a bunch of idiots there…

People clearly want to keep trade chat, they just don’t want a constant M+ boost spam and this complaint will come time and time again.

I’m confused as to why people have trade chat open.

Are you always in the market for shiny stuff or do you just like watching dirge spam? When I want stuff I go to the AH, I don’t see the need for trade chat at all.

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I always move Trade chat in its own chat window -tab. Not that it would make much difference if I just outright left the channel altogether. I don’t think I’ve really used it for years. Everything goes through the AH these days.

I’m also very tired of all the boost selling services and the spam we get in trade chat.

There’s the problem. It should be.

It should be against the rules to advertise in the trade channel? The one channel where they all should be?

It should be against the rules to advertise boosts in ANY channel.

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Boost are not against the rules, it’s a trade of services for gold.

edited post