Trade Chat is unreadable

We all know that trade chat wasn’t intended for people spamming 700 “Selling boosts” messages a minute.

They should just make a separate channel for that stuff, because at this point pretty much all chat channels in main cities are absolutely useless.


Blizzard the same two people have been been spamming in trade chat all day now. One is in ‘Do not disturb’ mode.

Both use timers in theyr messages doing maths… thus both use third party stuff that actually automatics stuffff that litterally spams the trade chat. You should put a stop to these people. People who want to sell smogs in trade chat cant really use trade chat anymore.


But doing it frequently is spamming and that is against the rules. Most of them spam it.

If a GM is overturning I’d wager they are not looking at how often they repeat it.

Cash boosting isn’t new it’s been happening for many years. I’d bet most proper boosting done is still with cash.

I was in a guild and there were some gentleman that would brag in vent (yeah that) about how much money they make. Apparently it was hundreds per week. This was either WoD or MoP.

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Hmm. I usually just remove the chat all together. Same thing with general chat. If you go to the chat options there is a X you can remove and you won’t see trade chat at all anymore ^^

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You understand that it totally undermines the credibility of your game and turns it into pay-to-win via tokens, right?

As soon as you guys brought in the ability to buy gold legit, you needed to ban selling “services” and restrict player-to-player sales to “items only”. The current situation is obnoxious beyond reason, and perpetuates the myth that gear is all, and getting gear can only be achieved by buying it, so you’d better be buying tokens to pay the boosters.

Would you not rather perpetuate the story that guilds and communities are satisfying ways to socialise, and that gathering together as a bunch of clueless, fresh 120s, and slowly working your way to mythic raiding is amazing?


Most of you are making a big deal out of nothing. While I am out in the open world doing quests, I rarely even notice the trade chat.

If i see boosts and other advertisements, I just ignore it and move on. It is not that difficult it is not like anyone was actually using trade chat to socialize. You can however ban the boosters from advertising in the premade groups as that was implemented.

Listen to what the blue up there said it is not a bannable offense. Take it and move on there is plenty more issues with the game than worrying about boost advertisements, like lack of engaging, fun, and non grindy content.

Tripe, tokens did not make boosting poplar.

Boosting has been happening since day dot.

Boosting exploded then Blizzard announced that MoP CMs were ending when WoD launched. People with their FotM classes were able to boost people. But what fuelled the fire more was the ridiculous gold inflation allowed by garrison-farms. It was somewhat curtailed in Legion but you still earned more gold per character.

BfA made it so you had to actually play the game but you still get ridiculous amounts of gold. Yesterday I got 4K, yes 4k, just for opening a paragon cache. Something I got just for doing what I usually do. Gold for nothing extra.

Boosting is like putting you life on social media, it’s normal, unfortunately.

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But now people can buy moar boosts without actually playing the game to earn the gold.

Let’s be honest, Blizz know this, and clearly it drives token sales. I do understand why their rep can’t agree to this, but it’s so blindingly obvious when people are offering mythic EP boosts for anything up to a million, that money is not coming from in-game sources. Those with that much money have played enough to not need the boost…


Idc if people buy boosts, i just dont wanna see it -.-


my badboy ignore words:

the eternal palace
full clear
WTS Glory

and there is literally no more spam in the trade chat.

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Why are you even reading trade chat on a level 31 anyway, it’s not like there’s anything for you there and if this is an alt you must surely know how useless trade chat is anyway since professions have become pretty meaningless.

Why should someone go out and try to farm gold when they can buy a token and have about 150k to 200k in gold within 2 to 12 hours?

As for boosting, perhaps this is how some people pay for their WOW accounts, not everyone can put money into WOW and what is wrong with a person getting help to be boosted so they can progress and/or get higher level gear?

I see nothing wrong with it, it is all about player choice. For the record I have never paid for any boosts, but I have bought my fair share of tokens.

Only people w/o alts will say that. You have a bank alt and you do your trading with alt.
Thats why people read trade chat at low lvl.

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As long as WoW token exists, “boost for gold” = “boost for irl money”.

I would encourage Blizzard to take steps accordingly.

Oh no, people trying to sell things on tradechat… :fearful:

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Selling items and ‘boosting’ services are two totally different things.

I mean, You can wash your own car, or you can ‘take’ it to the car wash… Simple comparrison, yet two totally diffferent things…

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Even if that happens, they have no authority or possibility over private conversations using 3rd party software. And besides, most boosts really are for gold.

That’s absurd… it’s like saying that because the wow token exists, people who buy flasks from the AH are paying irl money to win…

Why would you need to pay for flasks? Flasks arnt that expensive. Perhaps get a profession and do stuff wit hthat.

If I sell a boost for ingame gold is the same as selling for example flasks or enchants and thats whats the tradechat is for. selling and buying.

Its -NOT- the same… You’re not buying a product. Thats what trading is. You’re buying a ‘service’. Thats something totally different.