Trade Chat Problem - Service Spam


Trade chat in my opinion should be about Selling Items and perhaps services, However…
Trade chat Twisting Nether is spammed 24/7 with this: imgur com/a/EE2dWn7
(I’m not active enough on forum to post links apparently, so I removed the dot between imgur and com fyi)

It’s filled with Services, some guild recruitment and few items.

I think these services should be in it’s own chat. There is no way to filter out Services, Items etc.

Currently I’m turning off Trade chat cause of the annoying service (& guild) spam, but this shouldn’t be necessary.

We have a new and well made auction house that can be used for items ofcourse, but when a fresh expansion hits it’s often a lot of new things to gather, craft and sell. Hopefully a lot in shadowlands now that you can craft Legendaries etc. Some people prefer to sell in trade chat, but I think it’s hard because a lot of people won’t notice your message or even bothering reading it cause it goes so fast.

Most days I don’t really care, but I overall think this is bad for the game.
Hopefully we can see some action like LFG tool got & a new channel for Services.

You can get an addon which will allow you to block certain keywords - such as “boost” “curve” etc. I can’t recall the name of it but it is a bandaid solution to a longterm problem.

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Trade chat, and the game in general, has become a cesspit of RMT. Blizzard gets their cut via Token sales so they’re turning a blind eye and it just keeps getting worse.


Christ. That’s terrible.

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Wait a few minutes more, in a while that horde Belf female pala that actually “trains spammers” will come over here to tell you its ok because even in RL the supermarket advertise its goods for you to buy. AKA they do us a favor.
AAAnd that nobody hates spamming, its just biased vs them.

Yes, ive seen this posted in the forums its true.

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Thanks for linking this; I couldn’t remember for the life of me what the addon was called! :heart:

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People are using it wrong, general chat should be the advertisement, and other things, as it reaches more realms, or phased people. In the area, and trade chat used for trading.

The problem is blizzard don’t really know how to run a game, they know how to create them, but the rules they make, and set are redicilous.

You get silenced for advertising in general, and it wont be lifted, but you can spam to your hearts content in trade chat.

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Easy fix. Remove token = no easy source of gold for masses = no gold to afford boost = demad drop = supply drop.

Bad fix. It will bring back the Gold sellers.


Have to agree with this one here - at least Tokens give Blizzard control over the RMT (in some degree).

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Love how people say gold sellers were huge issue befor token. No they were not issue at all. Barely anyone bough gold from them becouse of risk getting banned was super hihg. And we are in 2020 it much easyer to auto detect this kind of transaction than back in 2004. Classic dont have token and there barely any gold sellers.

I love how your recollection of the events that led to tokens were not the Gold sellers, and bots. People were buying Gold all the time, Youtube videos talking about great farms were people who had bought large sums of Gold, trying to get more views.

The trade chat was spammed everyday, bots destroying the farm areas, and quest areas.

Blizzard decided to dump a new issue on an existing one, and now we have this, and now you want to revert that.

Bad idea.

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You say this, yet, classic is having a mass wave of false bans for people selling items for in-game gold, passing gold to their alt accounts, moving large amounts of gold within their guild - it seems the system is massively flawed.

There is a lot more repeatable content now than pre token. It was a gift to those wanting to sell services.

Gold sellers would have a field day.

All I can say is I will become a Gold farmer if the wow token is removed, Bliizard mark my words.

I’ll call my company, I got rich farming wow Gold.

The main issue is if they remove the wow tokens, Gold sellers will return, spam continues, if they keep the wow token, the paid boost services will keep spamming.

Blizzard need to find a proper solution, and they have it right infront of them, but I honestly don’t know what blizzard is doing. They have highly educated people, and great programmers, but they have not the faintest idea how to run a game, and what rules, and good rules, and systems would benefit their game the most.

I can’t for the love of god but hate them for that. They’re so damn good at making games, but lack what keeps a game together.

Gold Sellers have been around since Vanilla, and it’s just as easy to get money off them… hell, even faster than selling a Token… typically within 10 minutes.

Yeah no… gold sellers was big, how else are they so prevalent if it wasn’t so lucrative?? No need to lie…

No they were not.