Trade for you who twitwcy or any stream PLZ read

If any one is interessed in 3.5k gold and must stream any kind, ex. YouTube when classic wow release is available I be looking for anyone to go through and play, it don’t matter if you’re started streaming from twitch at 15:00 pst at weekdays cus I’ll be coming from work around that time. Prefer if you play as long you can and for your info so I know I can’t give items to the new expansion but I have char at this realm. Don’t care if I miss a dungeon run but it will be nice if one can arrange when to start if ok. And be nice if if possible to get all profs up and play casual in return when it’s done I can give at the realm a alchemy kit or any you wish except jewelcraft. Don’t need to be a good streamer. Don’t have to do anything special and can be nice if hide chat.

And you can delete the stream from YouTube if you wish to stream from there when done. And I used to play before and I haven’t streamed and I was playing a lot. You can stream and be quit or say something or talk some minor stuff if you decide or music ftw

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