I’m glad I got off the mount bandwagon a while back.
Now I just get the ones I’d actually use - and that number is suprisingly low.
I mainly focus my Trading Post spending on transmog; more specifically, stuff I’d actually use - aesthetic wise. And since I only play hunter that makes it a bit easier.
I buy what I want from the TP but still have like 10-11k. Use it or not but no one cares how much you have, everyone will get more and all items will recycle.
If it wasn´t said by a blue, it´s wishful thinking and /or fan fiction.
And I can find no Bluepost to that effect on the US or EU forums nor on WoWhead
PS: sometimes, like for the 20th anniversary, they let us earn an extra 500 in that month, so 1500… but that´s about as far as any expected “raises” go so far, and they are never permanent, only for that specific month.
The only really big thing they did so far whas offering Class Sets in the Trader Point which where only overpriced if you play and Roleplay all the classes in the specific sets and it whas months before announced. So do not assume something comming out of blue.
You should not be able to obtain every item in the Tender Shop…but still the items are too expensive. With only 1000 tenders per month I believe nothing should cost more than 500 tenders. That would guarantee anyone to be able to buy any combination of at least 2 items from that month.
As a mount collector I would love them to just give us a break from mounts in the trade post. They always the most expensive 750-850 and that just eats up all my tendee budget.
there’s loads of pets and mogs I would love to have but I’m just never left with anything to enjoy them.
Just 2-3 months break so I can enjoy some of these cool sets would be fantastic
This would turn something that is a nice added extra into a mandatory chore. Even though activities are optional, they still get farmed if they can be farmed.
This will build resentment towards the the whole concept of the Trader’s Post. Eventually a campaign will be launched to remove it. And at some stage this campaign will succeed and the post will be gone.
There is no reason to buy everything. Pick some items that will work well with a mog. Or a mount that looks interesting.
Don’t turn this into another chore.
Me too. I think I have around 9k.
I bought some of the cloaks are they’re interesting, the black one with the hood works well on the DK set from Nighthold (to me it does anyhow…).
I got a pet or two. I also got the 2 seater mount as I didnt have one.
So I’ve gotten some interesting and cool things from the Post without having to grind anything. It’s a good little reward for playing the game.