Transfer aborted: istance not found

Hello, I saw that many many players have this issue, and it is all the same. Sometimes I just disconnect but animations are working normally, I can move, yet I cannot interact with anything, cannot use chat, only thing that I can do is alt+F4 because ‘logout’ and ‘exit game’ don’t work either. I know that i have to try (and I did(you won’t believe me how much times)):
-Check my internet connection
-Disable optimizing network for speed
-Change ISP
-Flush DNS
-Change PC completely
So the only thing I haven’t tried is changing my router, so I wanna ask you all, can router be related to my problem? Can changing it completely help?
Game is basically forcing me to stop playing, and it’s really unbelievable, I am paying every month only to play it (which I am doing on my own ofc) but it’s strange it’s happening in WoW only…

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