Transfer all XP-buff, limited to one alt from REMIX-Cloak

I don’t think there is much chance of them doing that. The idea is that you have 100% on alts (providing your main managed to get to at least 100%).

I appreciate you don’t want to do another rep grind but equally you don’t have to if you really don’t want to. Theoretically it wouldn’t take too long to level an alt and just pop on it once a day to do the daily quest.

Back in they day I also had to level an Alliance to see their side of the story. And the different base in Krasarang.

All the Remix specific achievements don’t give any points, they are just feats of strength. I did clock all mine off but I only did them from a Horde perspective. Obviously you can do some regular Retail achievements in Remix which do give points but those will still be possible to complete when you leave Remix and rejoin Retail.

When we get closer to the end of the event they may boost the rep gains more and the other rewards to entice stragglers into the event. Same as they did with Plunderstorm. So you never know. It might get even easier.


I already have all races and classes on the alliance side too, but just haven’t finished questing with them though.

Honestly it’s not that demanding to have only one alt getting all the main characters XP-buff from Remix. Also it will probably be much more fun to see how weirdly fast leveling goes to this alt.

I’m okay with the questing though, as I haven’t seen the story-line, or probably just don’t remember it anymore. Still, it takes time.

As this isn’t retail but a kind of event that is short-lived, then why not just have an alt with all that XP-buff. It doesn’t hurt anyone, and it sure doesn’t ruin the game. It’s supposed to be fun, that is all.

I’m just gonna see what will happen when I become exalted today with the factions that I have left with my horde-chara.

I guess I will see how things turn out later on. Well, I was stupid for deleting my original account. This time, I probably will feel a relief deleting the account, if I think about doing so. A friend of mine hooked me back this time, constantly nagging at me. This was in 2021, but I think I created the new account in 2022.

Well, whatever happens, happens.

Seems a bit excessive having your account deleted. But each to their own.

If I’ve had enough of a game I just stop subscribing and uninstall.


I have already 70+ characters at maxed level with at least 400 in itemlvl
I take things that never happend for 10 points

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It’s just to make sure I never come back to this game :smiley:

Have a nice summer!

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Now, usually when i see such a DEMAND, i try to lol, laugh and troll you. But because others already did it, it’s kinda pointless so today i am in the good guy mood, so i will try to help you:

Create a WoW trial acc, make a holy priest, invite your char you want to boost and just go dungeons. Open 2 WoW instances, on one you play the main on the other you play the trial. Leave the main char at the start of the dungeon and smash everything with the priest. Because it will stay at lvl 20, the scaling makes the priest (Holy spec with Holy Nova as main dps skill) the best class to zerg early Pandaria dungeons. One dungeon should not take you more than 5 min. If it does, you do something wrong so go on youtube and watch videos about this topic (lvl 20 holy priest twink). The main will get all the exp in the mail. Every few dungeons, go collect the mail to increase the exp on the cape. Obviously if you have a friend that already has a holy priest twink, it’s even faster.
All this process (lvl up from 10 to 70) should not take you more than 3h in total.

What i think it happened is that you played the “noob way”, level-up chars by doing all quests on map, wasted time and so on and obviously you are so frustrated and angry in this post. It’s okay to be R and not even consult the internet for ways to level up chars fast. They have “how to build a bomb” guides on internet and you couldn’t find a “how to level fast in Remix” ?

And wait this doesn’t make sense:

So you invested time to make 400+ ilvl on each char (multiple chars), which means you farmed a bit on each char (at least a few extra hours on each), although it was pointless to farm ilvl on multiple chars yet you cry here how valuable is your time ? Make it make sense bro. The time wasted to farm ilvl on multiple chars you could have save it by growing the alts you need. You literally wasted time and now you cry and blame Blizzard and make demands for your own mistakes. That is mind blowing for me. Unbelievable the level of R some people have.

Blizzard has done some mistakes in the past (including early Remix) of which i was very critical on this forum, but the current Remix state is not a mistake. Is one of the best things that happened to WoW in the last years (at least since Legion, my favourite expansion).

P.S. : The R is the medical term to describe people with “issues”, which i have no doubt you have plenty of them. I am sorry that i am a bit blunt. Romanians usually are rude people and say what they think and feel and we don’t hide under diplomacy.

You too, have a fabulous summer :kissing_heart:

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What opposite faction are you on aboot Jprage? I’ve not had to do a Horde for a rep, only ones I have left is KTO and Shaohao.

Apologies if mentioned already.

On Isle of Thunder, the reps are split into Horde get Sunreavers and Alliance get Kirin Tor

Sorry for late reply…

The Horde has the “Dominance Offensive”
The Alliance have the “Shieldwall”

The achievement is called; “Operation: Shieldwall”

But I don’t know if it’s because of this post, the achievement no longer shows up when I log in my Horde chara. Otherwise it could be a bug.

So, I’ve logged on and checked myself, I have Operation Shieldwall myself, for Remix. I haven’t done it on a Horde yet. Hope this helps?

Have you tried checking your achievements with all addons turned off, to see if it still shows what you are seeing? the Isle of Thunder ones, that our lovely MVP mentioned, also just shows KTO for Alliance, and if I log on my level 13 Horde, it shows Sunreavers :slight_smile: