Transfer all XP-buff, limited to one alt from REMIX-Cloak

Hi Blizzard…

I would like for you to transfer all the 16 x times the Experience buff that has been grinded, limited to one alt only.
When I look at the achievements for Remix, there is an opposite faction campaign that needs to be exalted.

If you want me to max the rep for the opposite faction then I would like for you to transfer all that hard-earned grinded Experience Buff, limited to a new alt.
I am kind of tired of grinding anything more like this.

I have already 70+ characters at maxed level with at least 400 in itemlvl. I still have a boost too that’s just been sitting for about a year without even using it.

My maxed alt with all that hard-earned threads is already exalted with all the factions intended for Remix, except for August and Sunreaver, that will be exalted tomorrow. Also for Alliance faction that I still have no alt for right now.

Don’t you think I deserve at least that much?

I have school, work, and hardly have time to sleep with the assignment put aside. and you think I’m going to put more time for this typical grind.

How many heads are working together in your teams to never have thought about something like this. In this modern time people don’t have as much time as they did 10 years ago at least. I am playing this game for the fun of it, and a way to escape abit from reality.

I’m beginning to think of deleting this game, and this time it will be permanently. I have already deleted it once already, so why not one last time.

Is this why you guys are trying to create a new game?
Well, whatever.

Just please transfer the XP buff limited to only one alt, so that I can clear Remix faster this time on the opposite faction.

Your request has been denied. Also if you wish to uninstall World of Warcraft, remember that the forums are not an airport. So you do not need to announce your departure!

Thanks for flying No One Cares Airlines!


Honestly if you don’t care, then just don’t reply.
And I don’t care about your little trolling either.

Good Luck iwth that attitude.

I’m trying to ge a feel for things.

Before you deleted that post. I just want to point out your attitude in your first post.

Blizzard will not do this, and the way you act is like that of a child who believes they can get what they want if they have a tantrum.

You have 2 months to get the other reputation if it matters to you so much.


Yes those damn developers didn’t think about YOU AND YOU ALONE.


My little tantrum has put much effort into this game.
I don’t think it’s childish either. The way I anounced it, sure. I could have gone more on the positive side. But I feel I have grinded alot and not having much time for this.

Maybe this topic has abit of a threatening-feel to it. I admit that too, and not meant for it go that way. But think of my mental state too. If Blizzard is gonna put a lame 100% buff experience for a new alt, you think I’m gonna be happy about it?

You have no clue as to how much time I have put in to this game. I have deleted it once, and I was about 99% finished with everything. Now I created a new account, and I am about 60% finished.

I will read your reply, but won’t reply anymore.

So if blizzard don’t care, then so be it. But don’t say that my topic is childish. This topic is reasonable.

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Your little tantrum has put much effort into this game? Really? If you believe so, then you would have been able to balance a Horde & Alliance character in remix without any issues. The whole of remix is simple & easy to level up/gear up/upgrade etc. Doing your dailies/dungeons/raids to get reputation you need to get things exalted is that of ease and not of having to grind your little heart out 12+ hours per day.

I really don’t care how much time you’ve put into the game. It could be a week or 20 years. You need to grow up and understand this game is not designed for YOU. You can want things, but it doesn’t mean you will get them.

Changes are made to cater to the masses and not a single individual, who doesn’t want to put effort/time into another character to obtain a single faction reputation, or they’ll threaten to “delete” the game again.

Blizzard doesn’t care about you as a player or a person. They only care about your wallet and the money they receive, and 1 person isn’t going to make a difference. Especially considering TWW is around the corner, and they will gain a lot of old and new players once again.

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This has nothing to do with me ALONE.
It has to do with the time you put into it, and for what reason put it for.
Don’t reply anymore, as I can see that you haven’t gone far in this game as I have.

So NO, Not me ALONE.

Character cap is 65.

You may need to reassess your priorities.

This may be the smartest thing you can do.

Such a childish response.


You can have more with more accounts.

You may need to reassess your priorities.

I have hardly time whatsoever, and it’s a way not get burned-out from life experience.

This may be the smartest thing you can do.

I totally agree, but hard. Almost like an addiction.

Such a childish response.

No, it’s not. Read the post that I replied to. I was beeing firm on my reply.

Playing since 07 lad, seen manys a tantrum in that time.

Don’t forget, you and I and everyone else pay the exact same sub. You don’t pay extra for privileges.

I don’t know what to say anymore…
I feel more nagging coming from players like you, who have hardly played this game.
You guys seem to like troling people, or are you thesame person that has been replying on a different account?

Let me make this clear. When you make something, there will be a start and an ending to it, but there will also be a goal that you have to work towards.
So, to shift focus on players from on-going topics, that there is nothing more to do on retail, they made Remix.

I admit it is fun somewhat. but if there is an achievement that says you need an alt for the opposite faction, and on REMIX for that matter, then they should make it easier for players to achieve it.

It’s not only me, because many players have said this already. So stop focusing on me just because I wrote this topic.

This is intended for Blizzard, and not for your sadistical behaviour of satisfction.

If you have another account, so stop using it to reply on this matter.

07 is hardly playing the game?

That’s purely your own imagination.

Look, project, deflect, try and say someone “has hardly played the game” with 45 main stat on main cloak, 20k on alt 1 and 15k on alt 2, all you want. I couldn’t care less what your detective skills (that you clearly don’t have) are telling you about clicking on an armory of a character that hasn’t logged in in years and therefore hasn’t been updated.

Your request for more exp was reasonable, the nonsense you added was not and that is why you’re getting stick lad.

Alts have a tough time before they can upgrade, we’ve all been through it and are now rocking 476 alts getting insta picked for mythic SoO. If someone who has “hardly played the game” can roll 3 476’s then you should have no problems at all.

Sorry to burst your bubble, but you posted this on a public forum for everyone to view and respond too. If you didn’t want people to reply too it, then you should have submitted a ticket to Blizzard instead.

Also we’re two different people. We’re just calling you out for the silliness of this thread and the way you believe you’re entitled to something.

You also keep saying, “I feel more nagging coming from players like you, who have hardly played this game”.

Played since the US beta, 2 months into US retail and then onto EU from the very beginning all the way up to this very moment. Achievement numbers don’t matter to many people, so because someone has fewer than you doesn’t automatically mean they have hardly played the game.

Your attitude and mentality screams out someone who is lonely and believes their online achievements is more important than what they do in real life.

Come back to me, when you’ve got a wife and kids, your house that you own and do not rent, a company you own with your partner, employees we rely on to keep our company running etc.

Maybe one day you’ll grow up!

It’s really fast levelling an alt in Remix. I don’t understand what the issue is.

I think we were all a little disappointed the buff was capped at 100% but it’s still not a slow process.


I mentioned that to them earlier, but don’t want to put that time onto another character.

I think they also believe all faction reputation in remix is only for remix, even though you can obtain them all in retail.

They’re extremely defensive, even when called out upon their urge for Blizzard to give them what they want, even though they probably know that it will never happen.

I highly doubt we’ll see many more changes coming in remix, apart from maybe an adjustment to bronze/threads as we near the closure of remix.

You simply disliking levelling, no matter how quick it is, is not a good enough reason to change it though.


Oh I love leveling, I think you’re referring to the thread creator :slight_smile:

I understand it’s fast in a way, but logically speaking it is still slow, because the need to get to exalted with a faction too. That means daily grind.

People here have been replying with the impression that I’m entitled and so on, instead of writing how they truly feel about it.

Don’t know how everyone was able to change Blizzard into doubling up on Bronze, but at least I read some complaints about it.
Now I’m not trying to do thesame thing exactly, but just more curious if they are willing to do something about it. Or if other players are on terms that Blizzard should at least transfer the buff from the Main remixed character to only one alt of the opposite faction.

Some people have no logic at all by complaining at me, that I am just complaining.

Your reply is much more sound and wholesome.

I am so sorry!!! OMG I do apologise :blush: