Hello, i have a question. If there will be a Mists of Panadaria Classic in the future, can i play there with the same character with achievments, inventory etc i am playing now in Cataclysm.
If there will be one, generally your realm will move its entire expansion level to MoP. So yes, your character too will do so with everything they have on them.
some of the players still have their 2019 vanilla characters in cataclysm, and played them during tbc/wotlk, so most likely it’ll be the same
dont tink will be mist classic
I would like to play MOP once again.
Technically we had the whole MoP Remix an eyeblink ago…
Not the same, because talents and everything from retail.
I thought that MoP remixed had only Pandaria zones, dungeons and items available for leveling the character, but class abilities, talents, max level, stats scaling and practically all game-play mechanics are same as in Dragonflight.
That can’t really be compared to re-releasing MoP in the same way as it was back then.
Unlike CATA however, which still retains some classic gameplay elements, MoP removed every last bit of what was left from classic WoW, and thus it does not really fit the definition of Classic.
MoP is just as much Classic as WoD or Legion.
Indeed. I liked MoP as an expansion, so I gave MoP Remix a go at launch. But once I realised it was just retail in a MoP setting I quit and didn’t come back. So it didn’t do much for the ones looking for MoP Classic, but I don’t think that was the intent of the devs either.
I would love Legion Classic and I’m 99% positive that we will get one and that is when the Classic will actually end.
Well, I consider Legion to be the only good one from those three, fixed what they’ve broke in MoP and left untouched in WoD.
I put Legion right up with Wotlk, Vanilla and TBC. Legion added much needed fresh content. True Legendary Items, World Quests, Mythic+ , Class Halls, Class Artefacts , Great Story, Amazing Dungeons, Better then expected Raids, etc.
I also loved the zones.
PvE was amazing and as you said, fixed much needed stuff. PvP on the other hand was…decent at best. But…I am more of a PvE guy, so yea!
I say bring Legion Classic and also make permanent servers ala Era Classic and we good!
Just for the record, teh only thing retail about Remix were the talent trees and dragonriding, and the former didn´t really have any significant relevance to gameplay due to the tinkers proccing off of everything…
Case in point, I have never “no hit” a raidboss in Retail on any difficulty just by standing in front of it and /dance-ing, on remix that is however absolutely possible, and freaking hilarious when you do it to a Heroic boss
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