Transfering honor bugged?

Apologies if im missing something, but theres no way to transfer honor as the option isnt there and item isnt at the vendor? Is this ANOTHER bug? lmao

Isn’t it fun?

tell me about it, not only do i hit 20k FoF on my monk vs 250k instant lava bursts but i cant send honor to alts hahaha christ almighty

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Its not a bug. Honor is not transferable with the warband feature. It has to be the item. But the item is a seasonal item. Its even in the tooltip, it has to be used in S4 of DF. The season is over, so no honor tokens.

Honor is in the currency tab, there was a transfer option, now there isnt - i believe its because of a bug where transfering honor gave honor levels? as if no testing is done as per

They removed it.

permanently? ;o

According to this article you should be able to transfer it but will lose 20% honor. So my guess is that it is bugged or they changed their minds last minute and removed it completely.

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no ofc not, it’s just temporarily disabled :sleepy:

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Weird they kept the conquest box tbh.
It does seem like a bug how I guess we’ll never know for sure.

Is it “bugged” again? It’s still not possible to transfer honour.

They disabled the transfer option for all the stuff because of the error in their system. Dunno when they fix this.

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