Transferred to Horde

I transferred to Horde since I like getting free rewards.
So if you, brothers and sisters from Alliance, wants to have it easy, switch to Horde.
Blood Elves are gorgeous.

Ay, my dude. Iā€™m currently working on two Horde characters to replace my alliance healer and farming mains. If I feel like itā€™s still the same by the time Iā€™ve gotten them to where my alliance counterparts are, then Iā€™ll transfer over my DH since thatā€™s the character I have the most progress with in the game.

The only time Iā€™ve actually died to alliance with these mid level horde characters is when Iā€™ve left them afk. Otherwise, Itā€™s peaceful free perks.

I turned WM on as soon as I transferred.
I may have been killed once:-)


Iā€™ve been doing one WQ for 15 minutes. I got killed 4 times when I was outnumbered 4vs1. So yeah. Iā€™ll keep my character on Alliance to play with my friends, but my main will be on Horde despite the fact that I despise them

Well that doesnā€™t sound like fun, playing a faction that you hate :confused:
Stand up against yourself alliance, show those damm hordes who your areā€¦

Be the first ally group to really give the hordefaction some serious wooping :smiley:


Hereā€™s you described the problem we, Alliance, have. We need to group up to kill Horde because there are few Alliance in those areas. You, Horde, are everywhere.
Iā€™m farming my Azerite to some meaningful level and turn WM off. You won.

Iā€™m not just horde, I play equally on both sides and lvl ally and horde at the same rate.
I get ganked just the same on both sides, and I see a very very empty world on both sides :frowning:

I just wonder sometimes, if many players do the same thing, and they end up switching to the others faction on specific time of the day

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You say you was ganked by Aliiance. Some people also say the same. I (on my Horde character) have been ganked once in a month.

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Transfer your alliance to the RP realms. Its fine there. You will never be in disadvantage as alliance

I will never go horde,
Glory to alliance!
Glory to stormwind and our brave king
alliance will be stronger in future,
We will crush horde and put horde leaders in stockade!


I have ganked more than been ganked. Iā€™ve farmed flight paths in groups but never seen horde do it. Attempted it once but made a group and in 5 mins we had enough and killed them and camped them. Maybe it depends what shard youā€™re on. I only really find horde at azerite and turtle WQs. I find if youā€™re 1 of them that just trys to avoid conflict and runs off despite it being warmode and all that then youā€™re not gonna have a good time youā€™ll be outnumbered all the time

Yes letā€™s pretend alliance doesnā€™t have a permanent 50% bonus honor reward
But then the horde gets a permanent buff and tears are so plentyful from the apparently underpopulated faction it gets fixed in one major content patch

Wait, did I say fixed? I meant a new bonus is being added for the unpopular faction, 30%
Edit: I donā€™t care about the bonusses or the imbalance, I just think itā€™s very hypocritical for alliance players to go ā€˜but they have a permanent +10% boost!ā€™ while at the same time theyā€™ve had a 50% honor bonus for several months now

Good on you lass see you in warmode

See you in warmode,
I guess u will 5on1,
Tipical for horde,
When we are equal all u can see is how horde run,
Horde dont have honor in wpw,
And 80%of them are bad in 1v1,
This is why this toon gona be twinked on 119 and stop exp just to troll some horde in wpvp


Hmm. If you have already transferred, I hope you chose proper server. Otherwise you will be disappointed. Alliance team up and farm as well. They camp low level characters to get literately free bonus like ā€œAlliance Assassinā€. I hope you will understand that the grass is not greener on the other side.


I better unsubscribe this game, than come to play horks.

Alliance donā€™t gank, we defend our domestic and overseas interests :slight_smile:


My apologies :open_mouth:

When Iā€™m on my alliance chars, I get ganked so much I switch to my horde charsā€¦

And after I switch to my horde chars, I get caught up in a defensive strategical pincer maneuver in such a way I see angels :woozy_face:

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Imagine wasting money on a faction change just because you keep getting ganked even though thereā€™s a solution to stop the ganking absolutely pathetic

i rather unsub then joining the horde. Dwarf for life

The whole reason itā€™s so bad is that almost everybody is playing Horde.