Transmog doesn't make sense and confusing

We now know warriors can wear all types of armour.

For warriors, only Plate can be acquired as transmog. Also, the plate starts from level 30. Why make so a confusing system which is doesn’t make sense?

Why after so many years they make a silly game design with transmog. If I can’t acquire transmog so, why am I still allowed to wear it or vice versa?

Maybe they made it intentionally as part of a future update in the next expansion. So in the next expansion, they will announce hey players, we fixed this issue.


In GW2, you can loot weapons and armor pieces that your character is unable to equip, and there’s a button that says “unlock appearance”.
This action makes the item character bound but it does unlock the skin for your other characters that can actually use it for transmog.

WoW could benefit from such a feature.
Shout out to my forum bros who looted Garrosh’ shoulders on their mage.



I’d personally go a lot further; just allowing all classes to use all transmog except for other classes’s tier sets.


Well in the good old days, Plate didn’t start until 30, so Warriors had to wear Mail up to that level.

Transmog didn’t exist back then, so it was a consideration.

Well the idea is weight.

Plate Armor is the Heaviest, Cloth is the lightest. So a Warrior can wear all armour type, whilst a Clothie can only wear cloth. Then everything in between.

The armor type locking is a good thing. Plate armor is designed for Classes which get the most of out Prioritising wearing Plate (Warrior, DK, Paladin), and the same is true for all other armor type.s

I don’t really see an issue here. You just need to apply some logic to it to understand why.

edited post


Because that would be unfair for Mages, Priests, and Warlocks who only can equip Cloth to begin with. Having the classes only be able to learn the transmog of the armour type they are intended to use makes complete sense.

The armor type locking is a good thing. I prefer lock armour with transmog rather confuse people when I would say a good thing.

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Nah, I think the game should keep some level of visual consistency.


It’s not a bad idea. However, I am on the fence about this really.

I think part of the element of going to farm these items, is being on the right class at the right time.

But I also think they should greatly increase the drop rates. This would help solve the problem, and mean they wouldn’t have to bother creating a new system.

That’s already gone with the various non-specific armor type transmog sets and items we’ve been getting over the years.

I agree that the class sets should keep their uniqueness for the most part, but otherwise I don’t think there’s any issue allowing people more freedom with how they want their character(s) to look.

Absolutely! I can’t think of any reason why a Warlock would want to be wearing Retribution armor. Other than visual terrorism.

Tell me you are playing classic without telling me you are playing classic. There is not lvl requirement for plate armor and you can find and equip plate items from level 1.

How someone wants their character to look and why is none of your concern.
So the fact YOU can’t think of a reason, well… Then YOU don’t have to do so.
But I think having freedom in expressing your character’s appearance is important.

These days party, and raid loot was imporved and is prioritised by class and specialization, and if you don’t have it yet. I don’t think that transmog should be an issue in group loot.

I would understand one way then some taking party loots for transmog instead for class.

Because I have to look at it when I group with them.

So do I. But I think there should be some limits to this which are consistent with the games design, which is certain classes wear certain armor types and each class has it’s own visual identity, hence it’s amour sets.

There is some flexibility it in those rules, such as non-class restricted drops from Raids, and some of the non-locked retail transmogs (like the one you are wearing (and I’m due to unlock in 4 days :D).

But preserving Class identity in the game is incredibly important.

Fair enough; then we’ll have to agree to disagree.

I agree, but I don’t believe that comes from limiting how they can look.

Agree transmog system could use some major rework :smiley:

Plate starts from 1

It was simplified some time ago.

but what about my rogue’s dream of wearing the Buccaneer cloth armor and be a real pirate as a outlaw :wink:

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