Despite TWW bringing many QoL changes to the transmog scene, some issues still persist and are gamebreaking. The thing i am referring to is class restricted transmog options but not in the way you think. There are currently many class items that have certain variants that can be used by the other characters that wear the same armor. For example, mail users can transmog the evoker raid gear boots as long as it is the normal version and not the recolors for lfr, heroic or mythic. However when unlocking the item for my evoker it didn’t unlock the appearence for my shaman and hunter. Same thing happened with the hunter’s hands raid gear. When getting the normal version, it didn’t unlock for my evoker or my shaman. In this case with a bit of research i found that the same item shares the appearance with a crafted item. When crafting that item with my shaman the appearance did unlock which left me wondering whether this is a bug or intented. If it’s the latter i don’t see what is the point in having to obtain the non class variant of the item since it is literally the same in appearance…
It is intented transmog appearances retain class restrictions from the actual item you learned it from. So if the particular item was restricted to Evoker then it will only be available to Evokers. If the item, even with the same apperance, is not restricted to any particular class then it’s transmog appearance will be available to all classes that use this armor type. It matters what item you actually collect, not just how it looks.
i just don’t see the point. It is literally the same item. Why would i have to go out of my way to get the ‘‘neutral’’ class item when i have it on one of my alts as a class item. How does it make sense for example, that older raid shaman or hunter gear can be transmoged on my evoker just fine but not vice versa for a few items? I understand mages not being able to wear plate or not every piece of gear or color variant being available even for classes that were they same type of armor but this specific ‘‘rule’’ just makes everything tedious…
You get the item as visual but can be moged only for the class it say.
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