Transmog from completed quests

When account-wide transmog was implemented in Legion, appearances from all previously completed quests were added to existing characters’ wardrobes, including quests that no longer existed at the time. In the current beta, only items currently in a character’s bank or inventory have been added. Is this intended behavior, or has the quest unlocking simply not been implemented yet?

As we’re coming up to the end of WotLK, more clarity on rules like these would be greatly appreciated by those trying to collect appearances set to be lost for good with the Cataclysm.


I’m hoping it isn’t intended and it’ll be added - just like options for hiding shoulders and transmogging greys/whites.

It looks like transmogs for completed quests aren’t added for quests completed prior to character copy. Quests completed on PTR adds all applicable appearances correctly.

I suspect this is done to make character copy faster and to put a less load on DB during character copy.