Transmog not appearing in the "Appearance" section

I bought some transmog for my Dh on the AH but when I equip it and use the appearance up the tab for the items in the the set isnt there. For example, I bought the head piece but its not showing up in the head slot of the set in the appearance section. Even logging out and not going on the character for a few days doesnt fix this. The appearance is in my collection but not highlighted on the set.
Please give me some insight thank you.

Are you sure you bought a leather head with your DH? Because you can also wear cloth but when you wear cloth, it’s not added to your transmog item list. Only cloth wearers can add cloth to the transmog list.

It’s also same for the plate wearers. You can wear ANY armor type if you are a plate wearer class but only the plate armors can be added to transmog list.

Yes im pretty sure, im not new to the gamne you know

Hey Rogann,

It would be hard to say for sure without knowing the specifics, but for some general info about how this is meant to work you can check out the support article (and linked wowhead guide) here:

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