Transmog per spec

It would be great if we could choose a transmog per spec. For example, having a transmog for a protection and another for a fury warrior. Nice to differentiate between them. Really great could be having different transmogs stored that you could swap. Storing them could cost gold.

That is a thing since Transmog Collections are a thing. Near apply button you have dropdown to select if you want to apply given transmog to current spec or all specs.

The only way right now to differentiate a mog is by having different gear, so basically 1 mog for pve, 1 for pvp.

I would also like to be able to set a mog per specialization, would be nice to be able to create a different style following the spec I play

Your information is about 8-10 years out of date. You can have seperate transmogs on the same gear for different specializations. Just click the triangle next to apply button before appling the mog.

Indeed, thanks for the information!

Same thing, I heard multiple people mentioning a mog randomizer. Can’t find it, do you know if it’s in the base game or I need to install an addon?

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