So, we’ve all been eagerly awaiting our latest allied races for heck of a long time now, and I have no doubt we will folks running about with the heritage armor in no time… but, we’ve all also been planning other transmogs and amazing RP looks.
So how have you dressed up your Zandalari/Kul’tiran? And Why did you go for that particular look?
Here’s mine! - Was aiming for a very Grim, almost morbid look, still loyal to Rezan.
If you wanna be super lore-accurate with your tmog sets, you should prob go for the ToT one, since that one has clear Zandalari aesthethics while the Antorus set is a Darkspear one in every way.
For my Zandalari, I was planning on going for a mix of the normal version of the ToT set and heritage armor. But it sounds like it’s propably going to be a pretty common transmog.
Might instead go for something like this if I can get the pieces:
imgur. com/ONF4c60
I can’t wear the tot lookalike on my Zanda hunter because my non-Zanda troll shaman is wearing it and I’m not about to change the mog she has been wearing for years.
i do think I’m going to go with parts of the Amani set simply because she’s an outdoorsy type that doesn’t have time to look pretty.