In my opinion in seems odd that you can transmogify your Two-Handed Weapons into a One-Handed Weapons, but not the other way around.
I think that if you are able to transmogify your one handed weapons into Two handed it would make a lot of awesome transmog combinations available. Because i recently was putting together a transmog but then i remembered, you are not able to use a Two-Handed Weapon with a Shield. BUT you are able to transmog your Two Handed Weapons into a One-Handed Weapon for your transmog.
Please take this suggestion in consideration! Thanks
I’m pretty sure you can’t transmog 2h weapons into 1h, did you ever see Blood DK, Arms warrior with small 1h sword? 1h weapons have different animations, it just can’t work out.
I’ve only just come back from a few years off, but if i remember rightly, some warrior spec can dual-weild 2 handers, so it is doable.
But in answer to the OP if you could do that what would be the point of being a warrior if any old rogue or shammy could do it too?